IMF Statistics Department Project Capacity Building for Sustainable Compilation of Real Sector Statistics in Eastern Europe (funded by the Government of Japan) Presentation The views expressed herein are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the IMF, its Executive Board, or its management.
Introduction Three-year project Funded by the Government of Japan— Japan Administered Account for Selected IMF Activities Participating countries - Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine
Project Objective To develop capacity in the countries for sustainable national accounts statistics compilation, including the implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts compiling other real sector statistics, such as CPI, PPI, imports and exports price indices, merchandise trade statistics, and other real sector statistics needed for economic analysis and policy making.
Project Outcomes Improved accuracy and consistency of annual GDP estimates by production and expenditure approaches; Improved volume measures of GDP; Sound quarterly national accounts compilation systems; Improved quality of CPI, PPI, and industrial production index; Compiling and disseminating imports and exports price indices; Improved accuracy and coverage of merchandise trade statistics
Project Implementation Countries are grouped into 3 groups: Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine Three topical modules: National accounts Price statistics Other real sector statistics
Project Implementation Three resident long term advisors Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova Covering primarily national accounts statistics (but some real sector statistics too) Short-term expert missions Mostly on price statistics Staff missions Training workshops
Project Delivery Opening workshop Missions On-the-job training workshops ( around 4- 5 per group) Closing workshop
Opening Workshop Objective: Develop Project Framework Summaries (action plans) for the 3 year period for each country for each module Develop clear project outputs for each participating country
Missions Tentative timeframe agreed during the opening workshop Action plans (project framework summaries) are updated after each mission Each long-term advisor will undertake peripatetic missions to his other countries Short-term missions HQ staff or experts
On-the -Job Training Workshops Common Compilation Issues Sharing Experience Prepared in advance Issues sent in advance STA/Real Sector division is involved too Usually one week
Closing Workshops At the end of the 3 year project Past experience, but Forward looking