8 week Doctor’s Visit
7 weeks Baby is about 0.3 inches and 1/30 of an ounce (less than a breath mint) Heart is pumping and blood cells are created Limb Bones, brain and major organs, bladder, tongue, and esophagus are forming Baby is active – swimming and kicking inside amniotic sac
8 weeks Baby has a face!!! Limbs are getting longer and elbows and knees appear Fingers and toes are formed but webbed Baby is 0.4 inches long Brain is getting more complex Reflexes are starting to develop
How are you feeling? Breast tenderness and fullness Heartburn Morning Sickness Headaches Constipation Fatigue Frequent Urination Increase acne due to changing hormones
Doctor’s Visit Longest Appointment Health and Family History Urine Test (pregnancy hormone, protein, blood and infection) Blood Test (iron levels, Rh factor and immunities) Blood Pressure Pelvic Exam
Reminders Do not change cat litter – toxoplasmosis can cause genetic defects Watch caffeine intake Increase calcium intake Rest as much as possible