Why Structural Engineers Need Maths GREGOR MORGAN 2C
Introduction I have chosen Structural Engineering for my careers topic. I chose Structural Engineering because I might want to be one when I’m older. My dad is an Engineering Geologist and my Grandad was a Civil Engineer so I already have a rough idea, of how much maths you use in engineering. For my investigation I have asked two of my parents' work colleagues, who are Structural Engineers, some questions about how they use maths in their job.
Questions I asked a couple of my parents’ colleagues some questions about maths and structural engineering. Here are the questions and their answers: 1. Were you always good at maths in school? One of them said that they found maths easy throughout school but the other said he found it trickier when he got to his Highers 2. Did you need to get a good grade in maths higher to get into Structural Engineering? They both said that you need a higher grade B, minimum 3. How much of your school maths did you use when studying? Both said that they used most, if not all of their maths 4. Did you study maths as another subject when at Uni? Both said that they did
Questions Here are the rest of the Questions: 5. What kind of structural engineering did you specialise in? One specialises in bridges and the other specialises in buildings 6. How many times a day do you use maths? Both said they use maths a lot everyday 7. How do the graduates today, compare to your generation in terms of maths ability? Both said that the only difference is that they are better with the design software 8. What made you want to be a structural engineer? One said that he thought the idea of creating and analysing complex structures sounded fun and the other said that he did not leave university intending to become a structural engineer but when he was offered a job as one, he gave it a try and really liked it. He had studied civil engineering which meant he could specialise in the workplace.
Computing Models using Maths in Structural Engineering Design software is used to analyse forces or to analyse and design structural elements. The models are simplified 3-dimensional representations of the real buildings and the software packages decompose load actions and report the forces. This is effectively replacing the extensive maths that the engineer would have spent a long time doing before computer models were developed. S-Frame is one of these packages.
Iconic Structures An part of the structural engineering career that appeals to me is the chance to work on major structures that will stand for years to come. The engineers I asked told me they had worked on a selection including: International Climbing Centre Ratho Used mathematics to solve complex roof geometries and load paths
Crossrail Project, London. Largest Infrastructure Project in Europe
A82 road up loch Lomond
A9. Perth to Inverness. Aldclune bridge. Computer model simulation of new proposed bridge north of Killiecrankie.
Summary I have discovered that Structural Engineers use maths every day in their job and that they need to be able to apply their maths to lots of different design situations. You have get a good grade at Higher (B minimum) in order to be able to cope with the maths you will learn on your professional training, at University or College. I’m still keen on Structural Engineering because the projects look really interesting.