Developing a shared understanding of school based training opportunities Tremaine Baker
Mixing groups Please get into mixed groups
What is school based training? On the A3 sheet, use cards and post-its to generate ideas for each of these elements of training: –Tangible and concrete training –Tacit and implicit training opportunities –Tools to support training
What is school based training? Three key elements: –Tangible and concrete training –Tacit and implicit training opportunities –Tools to support training
What are we trying to achieve with school based training? Allowing trainees to put together the ‘Jigsaw’ –School based training –Central training –Assignments Personalising training Get trainees to recognise tacit training opportunities Developing reflective practitioners Moving from a mentoring to a coaching model across the school experience
Kolb, 1984: Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development What are we trying to achieve with school based training?
What? Description – ‘What happened?’; Feelings – ‘What were you thinking and feeling?’; So what? Evaluation – ‘What was good and bad?’; Analysis – ‘What sense can you make of the situation?’; Now what? Conclusion – ‘What else could you have done?’; Action plan – ‘If it occurs again, what else would you do?’. Based on Gibbs’ reflective cycle (Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods, Birmingham: SCED.
How might we develop school based training? Swap A3 sheets, annotate these with ideas for: –How might we articulate & share these training opportunities with trainees? –How might we encourage trainees to reflect on training and use it in their practice? –How can the partnership allow trainees to see how it all fits together?
Undertake a review of school based training across the partnership Looking at the examples of current school based training can we identify: Our strengths? Areas for development? ‘Hidden talents’/expertise…How might these be brought to the fore? How might these be shared- within our alliances/between our alliances and across the partnership?
Identifying improvement priorities for the partnership Feedback from each alliance on One identified priority area for developing school-based training Possible strategies to enable improvement
Moving forwards Middlesex to facilitate working groups: Developing a School Direct curriculum Reviewing the handbook