Steve Smith-The man Behind Red Green Matt Hummel
Background and History What stages of development did this person undergo to become what he or she became at the peak of his or her career? His first comedy series was in 1979 where he wrote and acted in “Smith and Smith". He started a family sitcom in 1985 called “Me and Max”. These sketches ultimately lead up to him launching the “The New Red Green Show,” in What processes and stages did the group go through to become successful? Steve Smith acted and played a stereotypical Canadian. His humour and wits made his shows very interesting and enjoyable to watch.
Red Green What types of comedy or humour does this person or group tend to focus on? When Steve acted as Red Green he tried to make people laugh. In my opinion his comedy was very humorous and very Canadian. His interesting side comments about life and politics really related to Canada. Oh coarse duct tape was very important for Red and the whole show. Duct tape was used to hold heavy things, patch pipes and used for fashion.
Red Green What are common themes this person or group dwell on? Red Green dwelt on the theme of all things manly. All the stages and locations they act in our set up to be the ultimate hunting and man cave lodge.
Red Green To what extent is the humour presented appropriate? For what ages? Does this person or group ever ‘cross the line’? I think Red Greens humour can be enjoyed by everyone. The only people/group that might oppose to his humour would be the wives who's husbands watched this show. The reason would be that the humour can be so dumb that they just shake their heads at it.
Red Green What makes the humour or comedy uniquely Canadian? In other words, what identifiable Canadian stereotypes are presented and portrayed? All of Red Greens humour is 100% Canadian. His humour is all stereotypes and humorous myths about Canadians
Sources Cited "The Official Red Green Web Site." Red Green. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 24 Nov