Unit Four What you see is what you get Perception
Perception effects Communication Each of us in everyday life experiences a different reality. Each of us in everyday life experiences a different reality. Example the word “cold” to people in different parts of the country means different things. Example the word “cold” to people in different parts of the country means different things. This chapter will help you to look at the world from others eyes, to improve communication. This chapter will help you to look at the world from others eyes, to improve communication.
The Perception Process Selection Selection Organization Organization Interpretation Interpretation Negotiating Negotiating
Selection is the factors which cause us to ignore some things and pay attention to others.
Organization Organization occurs when we make sense of things by noticing that some data stands out against a less striking Background.
Perceptual Schema We tend We tend To classify people according to social roles, appearance,memberships, and others.
Interpretation After the organization and selection of our perceptions we interpret them in a way that makes sense to us. After the organization and selection of our perceptions we interpret them in a way that makes sense to us.
Factors influencing Interpretation Involvement Involvement Past experiences Past experiences Stereotyping Stereotyping Knowledge Knowledge Expectations Expectations Assumptions Assumptions Attitudes Attitudes Self Concept Self Concept
Negotiation This occurs among people as influence one another’s perceptions and try to have a shared understanding. This occurs among people as influence one another’s perceptions and try to have a shared understanding. Scholars call these Scholars call these stories we tell to stories we tell to others to describe others to describe our personal world’s our personal world’s “narratives.” “narratives.”
Influences on Perception Physiological Physiological Age Age Health Health Fatigue Fatigue Hunger Hunger Gender Roles Gender Roles Occupational Roles Occupational Roles Self Concept Self Concept Biological Cycles Biological Cycles Cultural Differences Cultural Differences
Tendencies in Perception Attribution Attribution We make snap judgements We make snap judgements We cling to first impressions We cling to first impressions We judge ourselves more charitably than we do others We judge ourselves more charitably than we do others We are influenced by our expections We are influenced by our expections We are influenced by the obvious We are influenced by the obvious We assume others are like us We assume others are like us
Perception Checking A description of the behavior A description of the behavior Two possible interpretations of the behavior Two possible interpretations of the behavior A request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior A request for clarification about how to interpret the behavior