Consumer Behavior entails in totality the consumer’s decisions involved in acquiring, consuming and disposing of goods and services as well as making use of experience and ideas.
Those activities directly involved in obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and services, including the decision processes that precede and follow these actions
Consumer Behavior is the Process Involved When Individuals or Groups Select, Use, or Dispose of Products, Services, Ideas or Experiences (Exchange) to Satisfy Needs and Desires.
The behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
Shorter Product Life Cycle Evolving Consumer preference Environmental concerns Changing life style Faster technology adoption
Surf Excel – Daag Acche Hai Surf Excel Daag Branded Jewellery by Tanishq Branded Jewellery Tanishq Kellogg’s Crystal Pepsi Bajaj auto ltd.
Consumer Buying Behavior Marketplace has become very competitive Globalization of hospitality and travel industry Aggressive competition Invest in research, learn consumer trends, preferences, how they but, what they buy The central question for marketers is: “How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use?”
Marketing and Other Stimuli Marketing Product Price Place Promotion Other Economic Technological Political Cultural Marketing and Other Stimuli Marketing Product Price Place Promotion Other Economic Technological Political Cultural Buyer’s Black Box Buyer Responses Product Choice Brand Choice Dealer choice Purchase Timing Purchase Amount Buyer Responses Product Choice Brand Choice Dealer choice Purchase Timing Purchase Amount Buyer Decision Process Buyer Characteristics
Marketing stimuli (product, price, place, promotion) Other stimuli (economic, technological, political, cultural) Buyer’s black box (buyer characteristics and buyer decision process) Buyer’s responses (product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase timing, purchase amount)
Social Reference groups Family Roles and status Personal Age and life-cycle Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle Personality and self-concept Psycho- logical Motivation Perception Learning Beliefs and attitudes Buyer Culture Sub-culture Social class Culture Sub-culture Social class Cultural
Psychological Factors Affecting Buyers Choices Motivation Perception Learning Beliefs and Attitudes