TSUNAMIS By Erica, Danny, Jye and John
Causes Sudden movement Earthquakes Landslides Volcanic eruptions Underwater explosions
Appearances Pacific Ocean Rarely in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean
Restoring the damage Help others Donate money Build stronger houses
How often? And lasting time Rarely Six per century Danger lasts few hours Few days after the event
Preparing Sandbags Tsunami walls Food supplies Inland and high ground
Major Consequences Many drowned Villages and towns destroyed Homeless and stranded Opportunities and ambitions ruined
Tools and measuring devices Drawback Earthquakes Animals Bottom pressure sensors
Well known disaster 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Over dead or missing Millions homeless in 11 countries Earthquake of 9.0
Terminology Pronounced soo-nar-me Means harbour wave Incorrectly called ‘Tidal waves’
Characteristics Stretches up to 200km Travels at 80km/hr Height of 100ft