Broad objective: To provide the service providers with basic counselling skills to enable them to effectively counsel the young people.
Specific objectives: Define terms; counselling, values, and attitudes · Discuss how values and attitudes affect counselling · Explain the purpose of counselling · Discuss various counselling skills and techniques
Specific Objectives Cont… ·Describe qualities of a good counsellor ·State clients’ rights and provider needs Apply knowledge and skills gained in counselling to assist young people make informed decisions
Definitions Counselling - Person to person interaction in which the counsellor provides adequate information to enable the client to understand his or her problem better in order to make informed decision and act upon it.
Definitions. Value - is a belief that is very important to an individual(measure of worth) Values can be influenced by religious, educational or cultural factors, as well as personal experiences.
Def Cont.. Attitude – is a view or opinion that is formed by values and beliefs (self esteem, hope, faith, confidence). Counselling is an interpersonal relationship
Counsellors’ values and attitudinal effect on counselling Person’s values and attitudes are shaped by:-own culture, religion, upbringing and life experiences. ·Client making a decision based on the counsellor’s values may be harmful rather than helpful.
Cont… ·Provider’s personal ideas can influence clients decisions making hence threatening client’s health. Providers self understanding(values) can help understand and respect the values of clients. ·Reflecting on our own values can help us draw limits so that we do not influence clients by expressing our own views
Purpose of counselling young people Provide information that will enable them to make informed and voluntary decisions.
Counselling Skills and Techniques Active Listening Effective questioning skills Paraphrasing · Clarifying
Cont… · Giving of a constructive feedback ·Use of silence ·Empathy ·Genuineness ·Unconditional positive regard ·Summarizing
Counselling process GATHER- is an acronym used to remember the six steps of counselling G - Greet A - Ask questions about him/herself T - Tell them about the services available H - Help young people make informed choices E - Explain what to do R - Return for follow-up
STEPS FOR REDI REDI- is an acronym for the sexual and reproductive health counselling process R -Rapport building E -Exploration D -Decision making I -Implementing the decision
Attending skills SOLER-is an acronym used to describe the attending skills for the counsellor. Attending skills communicates to the clients that you are there for them. S – Sit squarely O – Open posture L – Lean forward E – Eye contact R – Relax
Qualities of a good counsellor Desire to work with and help young people Belief in the value of providing ASRH services Respect young people and their rights to make decisions for themselves Comfortable with expression of feelings Aware of one’s values and limitations
Qualities Cont… Unbiased attitudes towards different categories of young people Tolerance for values that differ from one’s own Empathy for young people Supportive attitudes towards clients
Qualities Cont… Good communication skills Ability to maintain privacy and confidentiality Creates an atmosphere that is comfortable to the client Polite, neat, warm, presentable and knowledgeable Patience Trustworthy
Qualities Cont… Presents information clearly Encourage questions Listens and observes attentively Asks questions effectively to encourage the client to share information and feelings Speaks the clients language Has knowledge about policies related to ASRH
Client’s/ young people’s rights · Information · Access to services · Informed choice · Safe services · Privacy and confidentiality · Dignity · Comfort · Expression of opinion · Continuity of care
Provider needs ·Information, training, updates ·Supplies, equipment, and infrastructure ·Good management and supportive supervision