EDIFY Healthcare Reform Update
The Rising Cost of Health Care “The high cost of health care has created a real burden for the great financial middle class, composed of self-respecting people who are too proud to accept free service and too poor to be able to afford the costly private rooms, highly paid surgeons, and the expensive laboratory studies that have done so much to take the guesswork out of modern medicine and surgery.” Editorial in the Saturday Evening Post, 1926
History of U.S. Health Care
Cost Issue Economic Disparity Total Health Expenditures as Share of GDP United States
Quality Issue Life Expectancy Infant Mortality
Access Issue Uninsured in Millions Uninsured as % of Non-Elderly The Growing Uninsured Population
Government Growth as a Payer
Effect On Costs An Early Rand Study Doesn’t See Improvement 2%
The Top 11 Provisions of the New Law That We Get Questions on at EDIFY Grandfathered Status Individual Mandate Tax Credit for Small Business Penalties for Non-Coverage Auto Enrollment Waiting Period Health Insurance Exchanges New Reporting Requirements No Cost Sharing of Specified Preventative Health Services Restrictions on Reimbursement of OTC Drugs Medical Loss Ratio (MLR)
EMPLOYER ISSUES With or without healthcare reform employers need to have a strategy for the following: Productivity Absenteeism Presenteeism Workers Comp Disability The health status of your employees and their families will have many indirect effects on your business. Wellness, Safety, and Chronic Disease Management are a few of the areas that you can affect.
EDIFY USA 401 E. Las Olas Blvd. Suite 1120 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida P F Central Avenue Holland MI P F