Data, Information, Knowledge and Processing Module 5.1.1 Data, Information, Knowledge and Processing
Definition of Data Data is raw facts and figures Any alphanumeric character Data consists of raw values that, on their own have no meaning
Each of the above pieces of data has no meaning Examples of Data 301083 FB6RT78 43AB34YT Each of the above pieces of data has no meaning
Definition of Information Information is processed data that is given meaning by its context It is data that has been processed into a form that is useful If a book company recorded each sale – the facts recorded are data. If they combined them into a monthly sales figure: That is information
Formula for Information = Data + Meaning + Context
Example of Information Data: 02221732 This has no meaning or context Context: It is a US Date This allows us to recognise it as: 22nd February 1732 It still has no meaning and is therefore not information Meaning: The Birthday of George Washington This gives us all the elements required for information
Range of Definitions Meaning extracted by humans Message Semantic Syntactic Representation methods
Representation Methods Graphically Numbers are easier to visualise in graphical format Symbols Language independent Universal recognition Some symbols may have different meanings so care is needed Some symbols are recognised but their meaning is not so well known.
Semantic Covers the Meaning for the data – the way that meaning is attached to a statement. Take the following statement: "Fruit flies like a banana" Do small insects prefer a banana or does fruit glide through the air in a way similar to a banana Semantic representation of data is of importance when attempting to code data
Syntactic Concerning the Rules of the Data Data: 10/12/90 Rules: dd/mm/yy Gives the date of: 10th December 90 Rules: mm/dd/yy Gives the date of 12th October 90
Semantic and Syntactic Remember: Syntactic = Rules Semantic = Meaning Learn some examples
Definition of Knowledge Knowledge is the result of interpreting information “We need more tins of spaghetti hoops” might be the knowledge acquired from interpreting the information given in the stock report. We use knowledge to build up sets of rules E.g. It is hotter in July therefore we will sell more ice cream, so we need to increase the order for ice cream in June.
Difference Between Information and Knowledge Information is based on facts Knowledge is based on rules, and these rules are based on probabilities, not certainties: Double clicking an icon in Windows will open an application This is not information as it is not a certainty. Icons are pictures This is information not knowledge
Concepts and Understanding “Microsoft Windows 98 is an operating system” This is information. To be knowledge you would need to have an understanding of what an operating system is. The concept of an operating system gives you an understanding of what is meant by the statement.