Survey – The process of asking a group of people the same question Getting to Know You Survey 1 What is your favorite color? 2 How old are you? 3 What is your lucky number? 4 What is your favorite subject?
Draw Conclusions If you draw a conclusion that something has happened, you do not see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the actual event. But from what you know, it makes sense to think that it has happened. I could tell from the way the boy was holding the cone he would drop his ice cream.
Interpret To explain the meaning of the information being asked for. It seems that the Math Club is the most popular of the after-school clubs.
Generalize To make a statement that usually is appropriate in most situations. The desert is always dry.
Relationship The condition or fact of being related; connected or associated. Some of the time when the weather turns cold, people tend to get sick.
Relationship The situation or fact of being related; connected or associated.
Data – Information collected about people or things
Table An orderly arrangement of data, especially one in which the data are arranged in columns and rows in an essentially rectangular form.
Graphs – A picture of data or information you have collected Line Graph Pie Graph Bar Graph
Line graph – a graph used to show change over time with points connected by line segments Line Graph
Pictograph pictograph A graph that displays countable data with symbols or pictures Example:
Bar Graph – A way to show information that uses bars to represent data Number of Students Favorite Candy in our Class Type of Candy Skittles M&M’s Lucas Baby Bottle Pop Twizzlers