A Presentation by Graceway, Oakboro - NC The Twelve: Simon Peter – The Rock
I. Peter, the Person Originally from Bethsaida, he moved to Capernaum where he and his brother, Andrew, were partners with James and John in fishing business.
I. Peter, the Person John 1:44 – His Birthplace. Luke 5:1-11 – A Fisherman
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs 2 – Prepare the nets
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs 3 – Divine Appointments
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 4 – Out of comfort zone
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 5 -Toiled on own power and caught nothing
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 5 – “nevertheless” - He obeyed Jesus words
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 6-7 – Caught so many fish their nets broke … so they put them in their boats *They used what was available
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 8 – Peter was aware of his own sinfulness in light of the power of Jesus
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 9 – They, and the people around them, were astonished at what Jesus had done
Some take-a-ways from Luke 5: vs. 10 – Jesus said, “as you just caught fish … you will catch men.”
I. Peter, the Person Like the other apostles, Simon never studied formally beyond synagogue school so was considered “unlearned” by the standards of the day. -Acts 4:13-
I. Peter, the Person Peter was married. His wife and mother in-law lived with him in a home co-owned by Andrew Mk. 1:29-30
I. Peter, the Person Though sturdy in physique, Peter possessed a weak character. …What is evidence of this weak character…
I. Peter, the Person All four gospels present Peter as… rash, hasty, impetuous, over- enthusiastic, sanguine, and swift to respond
I. Peter, the Person 1. He cut off Malchus ear. John 18:1-11
I. Peter, the Person 2. He ran right into the sepulcher while a meditative John who had outran him to the tomb remained outside. John 20:1-6
I. Peter, the Person 3. He slept when he should have been awake. Matt. 26:33-45
I. Peter, the Person 4. He dared to walk on water, then began to sink Matt. 14:26-31
I. Peter, the Person 5. He made a magnificent confession inspired by the Father, then rebuked Jesus with a remark that reeked of Satan Matt. 16:15-23
I. Peter, the Person 6. He boasted he would never deny Jesus, would even die for him, but within hours declared with an oath otherwise Matt. 26:69-75
I. Peter, the Person 7. Though Simon said he would never let Jesus wash His feet, that’s exactly what happened a few moments later…
Closing Challenge: Jesus teaching to His disciples after failing to assume a servant’s posture – Jn. 13:1-20