Hi, Claire, … Hmm,...
Tina/ once a week Li Ming/ twice a week Tony and Kate/ 3 or 4 times a week Bob /every day Li Lei/ hardly ever Peter/ never
chips cola coffee chocolate Junk food bad for our health hamburger ice cream
Healthy food good for our health vegetablesmilk fruit
1. ___ junk food 2. ___ milk 3. ___ fruit 4. ___ vegetables 5. ___sleep 6. ___ coffee b f e a d 1a c Match the words with the pictures.
1b Ask and answer questions. Use the words from 1a. Pair work A: How often do you drink milk, Liu Fang? B: I drink milk every day. A: Do you like it? B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s good for my health.
fruit A: How often do you eat fruit? B: I eat fruit every day. A: Do you like it? B: Yes, it’s delicous. (No. But my mother wants me to eat it. She says it’s good for my health.) vegetables
How often do you drink milk ? I drink it every day. Do you like it? No. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says it’s good for my health.
How often do you eat fruit? I eat it every day Do you like it? Yes. it’s delicious.
How often do you eat vegetables? I eat them every day. Do you like them? No. But my mother wants me to eat them. She says they’re good for my health.
How often do you eat junk food? I eat it once a week. Do you like it? Yes. But my mother doesn’t let me eat it. She says it’s bad for my health.
Listen to an interview about two people’s daily habits. Circle your answer to each question. 1c Does Tina have good habits? Yes. No. I don’t know. Does Bill have good habits? Yes. No. I don’t know. Tina
Questions 1. How often do you exercise? 2. How often do you eat fruit? 3. How many hours do you sleep every night? 4. How often do you drink milk? 5. How often do you eat junk food? 6. How often do you drink coffee? Tina Bill _______ _____ _____ ______ _____ _____ ______ 1d Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey. every day
ActivitiesHow often Tina Bill exercise eat fruit sleep drink milk eat junk food drink coffee every dayhardly ever every day never nine every day never two or three times a week three or four times a week never four times a day Listen again. Fill in the blanks. 1d
I think Tina has good habits. Because she every day. She two or three times a week. She never every day. She nine hours every night. She
I think Bill has bad habits. Because he never. He three orfour times a week. He hardly ever. Henine hours every night. HeHe Although four times a day. or
1e Student A is the reporter. Student B is Tina or Bill. Ask and answer questions. Then change roles. Pair work A: How often do you exercise? B: I exercise every day. A: And how often do you…?