Teaching English in South Korea Tips and advice from someone who’s been there and done that.
Outline About Me Life in Korea Useful Resources Tips & Advice
About Me Education BAH B.Ed. Technical Writer Post-Grad Certificate Personal Interests Travel, snowboarding, interesting conversations & experiencing new things Editing, Instructional design & curriculum development Language Korean (TOPIK Level 3: Intermediate)
About Me Where I taught 1 year at Daejeon Educational Training Institute o English camp for elementary and middle school students 1.5yrs at Seowon Elementary School 2yrs at Hanbat Elementary School Other education-related activities Judging contests Speech, drama, singing Interviewing English teacher candidates for the DMOE TEE Trainer Orientation Facilitator Various English camps Private tutoring
Life in Korea
Tips & Advice 1.Take your role as a teacher seriously 2.Learn Korean 3.Be patient with everything, and everyone 4.Try to keep your mind open and your judgments and unsolicited opinions to a minimum 5.Travel, both within Korea and to other countries
Tips & Advice 6.Avoid hanging out only with other ex-pats, and make at least one close Korean friend 7.Save money, but when you spend it, spend it on experiences rather than things 8.Read up on Confucianism, it still influences modern life in Korea 9.You will experience new and different things and you will change; embrace it 10. Be flexible, adapt, and have fun!
Resources for Teaching Online Lots of options for lesson plans, games, and activities Websites, blogs, recruiter home pages, etc. Other Teachers Native English teachers Korean English teachers
Resources for Living in Korea Learning Korean talktomeinkorean.com koreanclass101.com howtostudykorean.com learn-korean.net Support Numerous Facebook groups/communities Daejeon Peeps, Seoulite Korea ESL Teachers Hagwon Blacklist Canadian Embassy General korea.net Blogs/Media eatyourkimchi.com seouleats.com askakorean.blogspot.kr discoveringkorea.com myseoulsearching.com 10mag.com koreatimes.co.kr
Contact Info Courtney MacRae cell: Or find me on: Facebook LinkedIn