finding & using background information tues feb 19
gather background information orient yourself pick up terms major issues origins of topic read and brainstorm keep open mind no fast decisions talk/listen to someone about the topic where is literature abundant? what areas are sparsely covered? focus & refine topic pose topic as a question consider scope or parameter of coverage *handout*
ResourceWhat you’ll find >> E-Research Tools >> Public Issues CQ Researcher [Congressional Quarterly] Each single-themed, 12,000-word report is researched and written by a seasoned journalist. Quality source for in-depth, analytical reporting on the most current and controversial issues of the day Issues and Controversies on Filecontains full text articles on current topics of interest, arranged in opposing points of view >> E-Research Tools >> Reference Gale Virtual Reference LibraryArticles on all subjects from subject encyclopedias, almanacs, etc. Oxford Reference OnlineEntries from dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other reference works in most subject area