Mountain Gorilla By: Jack Carmody
Classification and Description Gorilla beringei beringei Mammal 600 to 650 pounds; 6 feet tall A whole lot cuter when young
Biome Africa Mountains Does not migrate Constantly on the move looking for food
Life Cycle Reproduce every 2 years Rides on back Herbivore 50 years
Adaptations Make 20 different sounds Good senses, intelligent, strong Pounds chest Makes its bed
Reasons for Endangered Status Humans Deforestation Hunted for trophies, heads Numbers rising
Conservation Less than 700 left in the wild Habitats are reserved Reserves Donate money
Fun Facts Were not found until year 2000 Have longer hair Called “Gentle Giants” Are crossbred
Resources Caldecott, Julian and Miles., Lera World Atlas of Great Apes. Carl R. Green and Willam, R. Stanford.