1 Using Analytics as a retrieval tool for global data update Yoel Kortick Senior Librarian, Ex Libris
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3 Introduction Typically Alma Analytics is used as a reporting tool. It is also possible to use Alma as a tool to export (to Excel) data which can later be used to build an itemized set in Alma. The set in Alma can then be used for global data change. When the set needs to be built on very specific data it is often easier to create the set from within Alma Analytics due to the strong retrieval tools and options within Alma Analytics.
4 Agenda Global change on user data Global change on item data
5 Global change on user data In this case the library wants to globally change users Library wants to retrieve all users who 1.Have made a loan between Jan. 01 and June Are in user groups “Alumni”, “Faculty” and “Graduate Student” 3.Do not have a block And then change their expiration date to Dec. 31, 2015
6 Global change on user data Once a set is made Alma can perform the change using the job “Update user information” But … a set of this complexity can be made only in Alma Analytics Thus we will 1.Retrieve the information in Alma Analytics 2.Use it to create a set in Alma 3.Run the job on the set in Alma
7 Global change on user data The plan: 1.Create a report in Alma of all users who have made a loan between Jan. 01 and June and are user groups “Alumni”, “Faculty” or “Graduate Student”. Export to Excel and call the file A 2.Create a report in Alma of all users who do not have a block. Export to Excel and call the file B 3.In Alma create two sets: set with file A and set with file B 4.Combine the sets “A not B” call output C 5.Run the job “Update User Information” on set C to change the expiration date
8 Global change on user data In Alma Analytics Fulfillment subject area retrieve the patrons who will be in set A. Retrieve the ‘User Details. Primary Identifier’ Filter ‘Loan Date. Date Key’ between and Filter ‘User Details. User Group’ is equal to / is in Alumni; Faculty; Graduate Student
9 Global change on user data Export the results to Excel Change header of column to USERNAME Save as file ‘A.xlsx’
10 Global change on user data Alma Analytics users subject area retrieve the patrons who will be in set B. Retrieve the ‘User Details. Primary Identifier’ Filter ‘Block. Block Status’ is equal to / is in Active
11 Global change on user data Export the results to Excel Change header of column to USERNAME Save as file ‘B.xlsx’
12 Global change on user data In Alma access the user sets and add an itemized set
13 Global change on user data Upload file A and call the set A
14 Global change on user data Upload file B and call the set B
15 Global change on user data Combine the sets
16 Global change on user data Combine ‘A NOT B’ and call output ‘C’
17 Global change on user data Now we have the desired set on which we want to make a change
18 Global change on user data Run the job “Update user information” and choose the set we made
19 Global change on user data Make desired changes
20 Global change on user data See that changes were made
21 Agenda Global change on user data Global change on item data
22 Global change on item data In the situation here we retrieve all items which were loaned in 2014 with item policy ‘One week loan’ and returned more than 10 days after the due date. Then we will change the item policy to ‘Two week loan’. The assumption here is that if they are returned late then perhaps the item policy should be changed to ‘Two week loan’ (The validity of this assumption is not relevant here – rather our ability to retrieve a set in Analytics and globally change it in Alma)
23 Global change on item data In the Fulfillment subject area we make a set which retrieves: 1.Item barcode 2.Item due date 3.Item return date 4.Number of overdue days (called in Alma “Loan. Return Due Days” and renamed to “Exceeded Loan Period”). 5.The item policy. We have filtered by 1.Loan. Return Due Days is greater than 10 2.Due date is greater than Jan. 01, Current item policy is “One week loan”
24 Global change on item data Here is the criteria tab of the retrieval. For our purposes we really only need the barcode. The other columns are just for ‘general information’
25 Global change on item data We run the report and export to Excel
26 Global change on item data Save just the barcode column and save Excel file
27 Global change on item data In Alma enter the “Manage sets” page and add an itemized set
28 Global change on item data Create a physical items itemized set using the Excel file created in Analytics
29 Global change on item data Run the job “Change physical items” and choose the set
30 Global change on item data Make the change
31 Global change on item data See results