1 Introduction to SimTools Akiya Miyamoto KEK June 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to SimTools Akiya Miyamoto KEK June 2005

2 Plan of Tutorials JSF  Intorudction,  Go through examples  learn how to access JSF classes Jupiter / Satellites  Intorudction  Go through examples Kick-off studies

3 Information on the web

4 Getting started with SimTools SimTools is a collection of precompiled binaries of JSF, Jupiter, Satellites and related package.  Compiled on Redhat 9 linux, using gcc  Requires ROOT  Package will be updated every 1 or 2 months Web site - For installation,  Download from the web site  Edit setup.bash properly  Do "source setup.bash"

5 Files in SimTools SimTools tools lcbase Leda jsf Jupiter Uranus Satellites docs examples Jupiter exam01 QuickSim Satellites setup.bash Readme..... Physsim

6 Functions of each components lcbase : configuration files Leda : Analysis tools (Kalman fitter, 4vector and jet findinder utilities ) jsf : Root-based framework lclib : QuickSim and other fortran based utilities physsim : Helas-based generator Jupiter : Full simulation based on Geant4 Uranus : Data analysis packages Satellites : Data analysis packages for MC data  We use only C++, except old fortran tools.  Link to various tools at  All packages are kept in the CVS. Accessible from

7 Setup.bash #.bashrc # Following two lines are essential export SIMTOOLS_DIR=/home/sample/SimTools export ROOTSYS=/home/root/root # next three lines are required to compile package export JDK_HOME=/home/soft/JDK/j2sdk1.4.2_06 export G4INSTALL=/home/soft/Geant4/geant4.6.1 export LCIO=/home/soft/lcio/v

8.rootrc ROOT uses.rootrc file to set configuration parameters. Following two parameters must be defined to run JSF..rootrc file is in your current directory or in your home directory.

9 JSF JSF provides common framework for studies using  Quick Simulator  Jupiter/Satellites To start interactive session of jsf, do $ jsf gui.C JSF control panel popes up

10 Using JSF Control Panel Controls menu  run mode  generator type  generator parameters  pythia –event type  zh  save parameters Next Event button

11 Batch Run root option:  -b : run without X  -q : quit at the end jsf option  --maxevt=N : N is number of events $ jsf -b -q --maxevt=100 gui.C

12 JSF Basics

13 JSF features - 1 JSF is based on ROOT  User needs to lean just one language, C+ JSF provides a framework for modular analyses  Common framework for event generation, detector simulation, and analyses.  Same framework for beam test data analysis Unified framework for interactive and batch jobs  GUI for control of an interactive run Histogram and event display packages included  A file similar to.rootrc is used to set parameter.  Default values an be overidden by command line argument at run time.

14 JSF Features – 2 Object I/O  Each modules can save/read their event data as branches of a root tree.  Job parameters, histograms, ntuples and private analysis tree can be saved in the same file Packages  Included in the release  Pythia6.3, Bases/Spring++, ZVTOP, JETNET, BSGEN Provided as separated packages  Physsim (Event generators and analysis utilities)  LCLIB (QuickSim, Helas)  Jupiter (Geant4)  Uranus/Satellites

15 JSF Conponents Libraries ( $JSFROOT/lib )  Pre-compiled C++ classes to build JSF application such as libJSFGenerator.so, libJSFQuickSim.so, … Executables (main program ) ($JSFROOT/bin)  “jsf” command : built with ROOT+libJSF.so Macros ($JSFROOT/macro)  C++ program is used as Macro thanks to CINT (No need to compile and link)  In JSF, Macros are used to set run parameters and provide a simple analysis code. gui.C, GUIMainMacro.C, UserAnalysis.C

16 JSF Kernel JSF is a framework for event-by-event data analysis Provides a modular framework suitable for analysis consists of several sub-detectors Job flow control Create modules Jon Initialization Begin Run Event analysis End Run Job Termination  Job flow is controlled by a class, JSFSteer  Analysis modules are inherited from a class, JSFModule  Member functions of JSFModule Initialize(), BeginRun(..), Process(…), EndRun(), Terminate() JSF job flow concept A simple example without Macros is prepared in $JSFROOT/example/ZHStudy

17 JSF Kernel - FileIO  A class, JSFEventBuf, is defined by JSFModule  It is used to define branch of a ROOT Tree ( used to save/get event data )  JSFModule  JSFEventBuf : 1-to-1 correspondance  Information of JSFModule written in a root file is used to define branch for read-in data.  In a user program,  To get pointer to JSFModule objects, mod= (JSFModule*) gJSF->FindModule(“module_name”)  To get pointer to JSFEventBuf objects, buf=(JSFEventBuf*)mod->EventBuf()

18 Access to JSFModule and JSFEventBuf In script  JSFSteer *jsf (defined in gui.C) jsf->GetEventNumber(); JSFXXX *mod=(JSFXXX*)jsf- >FindModule("JSFXXX"); JSFXXXBuf *buf=(JSFXXXBuf*)mod->EventBuf(); In compiled code,  JSFSteer *gJSF (defined in JSFSteer.h)

19 Useful Web information JSF Class Documents CVS 

20 Parameter file All parameters are managed by JSFEnv class  In the userprogram, they are obtained by a method, JSFEnv::GetValue(“Parameter.name”,default) At run time, paremetercan be changed by three method  In a file, jsf.conf Parameter.Name: value #!argname # comments ….  As a command line argument, like $ jsf –argname=value gui.C  Through the popup menues of JSF Control Panel Each user can add their own menu by a function, UserMenu() argname is an alias of Parameter.Name used to parse command line argument

21 Macro in JSF In JSF, macros ( xxx.C file ), are used extensively to define type of jobs and job parameters. GUIMainMacro.C : Define a standard set of modules and their parameters gui.C : Load GUIMainMacro.C and libraries for GUI UserAnalysis.C : An sample user macro file for Initialization, event analysis and drawing histogram Important macro files in $JSFROOT/macro directory

22 JSF – First example in SimTols Examples inSimTools $ cd [SimTools]/examples/JSF_QuickSim/exam01 $ jsf gui.C JSF control panel popes up

23 UserAnalsis.C Example in $JSFROOT/macro/UserAnalysis.C Three functions:  UserInitialize() : Called at Job initialization define Histgrams, etc.  UserAnalysis() : Called at each event for event analysis  DrawHist() : Called to draw histogram

24 GUIMainMacro

25 Build Compilied library buildjsf command

26 Other examples Exam02 Exam03 Exam04

27 JSF Generators JSFGenerator PythiaGenerator JSFBases - JSFSpring - JSFHadronizer JSFMEGenerator - JSFSHGenerator JSFReadMEGenerator - JSFPythiaHadronizer

28 PythiaGenerator Parameters  Process : ZH, ZZ, WW, enW, eeZ, gammaZ  BeamStrahlung  Decay: Z, W, H InitPythia.C


30 JSFGeneratorParticle Particle information ID, Mass, Charge, P, X, DLPointers to Mother, 1st_Daughter, NDaughter Example  jsf/generator  using JSFGeneratorParticle  EventShape

31 JSFQuickSim Quick Simulator module  Detector parameter file  $(LCLIBROOT)/simjlc/param/detect7.com -- "JLC-I ” Green Book Detector (2 Tesla), default  $(LCLIBROOT)/simjlc/param/jlc3T.com -- "ACFA Report" (3 Tesla)  $ (LCLIBROOT)/simjlc/param/gld_v1.com -- “ GLD_V1" (3 Tesla) (performance needs to be checked.)  JSFQuickSimParam : parameter class  JLCQuickSim.ParameterFile: env. param. Simulator Output data  JSFQuickSimBuf VTX (+IT), CDC, EMC, HDC, LTKCLTrack

32 SIMDSTBuf The format agreed among ACFA group. JSFQuickSIM + JSFGenerator Same information can be written to a file accesible by FORTRAN program.

33 Classes for QuickSim Output JSFSIMDSTBuf Int_t GetNLTKCLTracks(); Int_t GetNCDCTracks(); Int_t GetNVTXHits(); Int_t GetNEMCHits(); Int_t GetNHDCHits(); Int_t GetNSMHits(); Int_t GetNGeneratorParticles(); TObjArray *GetLTKCLTracks(); // Pointers to LTKCLTracks objects array TClonesArray *GetCDCTracks(); // Pointers to CDCTracks object array TClonesArray *GetVTXHits(); // Pointers to VTXhits object array TClonesArray *GetEMCHits(); // Pointers to EMhits object array TClonesArray *GetHDCHits(); // Pointers to HDhits object array TClonesArray *GetSMHits(); // Pointers to SMhits object array TClonesArray *GetGeneratorParticles(); // Pointers to GeneratorParticle objects array important Member functions:

34 JSFLTKCLTrack Information based on "Combined Track Bank"  Data in class  P at closest approach to IP  Particle type: 1=Pure gamma, 2=Gamma in mixed EMC, 3=Pure neutral Hadron, 4=Hadron in mixed HDC, 5=Pure charged hadron, 6=Unmached Track 11=Electron candidate, 13=muon candidate  Source of information : 100*IHDC + 10*IEMC + ICDC  Nsig  Pointer to CDC Tracks

35 Anlib ANL4DVector: TLorentz, Lockable ANLEventSahpe  Using TObjArray of ANL4DVector  Calculate Thrust, Oblateness, Major/Minor Axis ANLJetFinder  base class for Jade, JadeE, Durham jet finder ANLJet : ANL4DVector See examples in $(LEDAROOT)/Anlib/examples

36 JLCCVS Latest packages are available at How to get: $ cvs -d login Password: $ cvs -d co jsf Update $ cvs update -P See CVS log $ cvs log Web interface to see a code history

37 Information on Web Home page of ACFA-Sim group SimTools 

38 Backup slides

39 jsf gui.C Construct JSFSteer IsBatch ? gui=new JSFGUIFrame() Start Interactive session BatchRun() yes no