The ODBC connection is included in the base Appx licence. Allows data to be stored/retrieved from SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres, Access, others (SQL Server 2005 requires 4.3). Easy way to share data with other applications, i.e., export data to shipping or web servers or import from other applications.
Appx & RDBMS (ODBC) The process to move data into an ODBC compliant RDBMS is straightforward. Define a ODBC connection using Windows ODBC Administrator, or unixODBC if Linux/Unix. Create an Appx FMS group that points to this ODBC Connection. Export your data.
Appx & RDBMS (ODBC) Change your files to use the new FMS group. Create files in the RDBMS. Import your data. Extra steps required if data in a non-standard location. Enjoy!
Appx & RDBMS (ODBC) Performance can be an issue once data is in a RDBMS. Hard to give general suggestions that always work, as each RDBMS has it’s own strengths/weaknesses. For example, Oracle is more sensitive to commits than others.
Appx & RDBMS (ODBC) In order of most likely to help to least likely, techniques are: Put Appx & RDBMS on same server Put Appx & RDBMS on same server Cache files Cache files Control commits (use APPX_IMPORT_COMMIT=x for imports) Control commits (use APPX_IMPORT_COMMIT=x for imports) Partial Record Reads Partial Record Reads Demonstrate!
Appx & RDBMS (ODBC) Transaction Control Only useful where all files are in RDBMS COMMIT at start of JOB, Manual in AA COMMIT at end of each ‘transaction’ ROLLBACK at EOP and/or Post Invocation If connection closed w/o commit, RDBMS *may* automatically rollback, check RDBMS
Appx & RDBMS (ODBC) Debugging Set APPX_SQL_LOG= Set APPX_SQL_LOG= Set APPX_DBG_CODE=0xFFFFFFFF Set APPX_DBG_CODE=0xFFFFFFFF This logs all RDBMS access in the file, which can be reviewed to spot problems. This logs all RDBMS access in the file, which can be reviewed to spot problems. Demonstrate!