Issues in Animal Science Production
Animal Waste Management Regulations It is a violation of state law for waste to reach surface water
Animal Waste Management Regulations A $10,000 per day penalty may be assessed if there is a man- made conveyance such as a pipe or a ditch to route waste away from a holding pit or lagoon even if no waste is actually discharged
Animal Waste Management Regulations It is against the law for anyone to cause a water quality standards violation
Animal Waste Management Regulations Senate Bill 1217 requires that every animal above certain numbers * that use a liquid animal waste management system obtain a general permit and to have and use an approved animal waste management plan
Animal Waste Management Regulations Numbers under Senate Bill 1217 Greater than or equal to: 250 swine, 100 confined cattle, 75 horses, 1,000 sheep, or 30,000 confined poultry
Animal Waste Management Regulations Animal waste management system operators must be certified In addition to state regulations, local county and city regulations such as zoning and facility locations also apply
Animal Waste Management Regulations In addition to fines and lawsuits brought by governmental agencies, 3 rd party lawsuits can be brought by individuals or organizations against livestock and poultry operations It is easier to prevent than correct
Animal Waste
Types of Waste Management Systems Type A systems primarily rely on anaerobic lagoon and soil/plant systems for the treatment of animal wastes with low fiber such as swine and poultry
Types of Waste Management Systems Type B systems primarily rely on soil/plant systems for the treatment of animal waste with high-fiber such as cattle, horses, and sheep
Best Management Practices Practices that reduce the loss of nutrients thereby reducing the potential for negative environmental impact Buffers, grassed waterways, cover crops, conservation tillage, strip cropping, contour planting, crop residue management
Components of a NC Animal Waste Management Plan Odor control from decomposing manure, feed, and carcasses Insect control- eliminate or reduce causes of insects and use approved materials to control
Components of a NC Animal Waste Management Plan Animal mortality- approved methods to quickly dispose of dead animals Waste and soil sampling- both the animal waste and the soil on which is applied must be tested
Components of a NC Animal Waste Management Plan Record keeping must be done to include soil and water analysis reports as well as land application dates and rates for each application site
Components of a NC Animal Waste Management Plan Waste application rates- follow the waste utilization plan
Components of a Waste Utilization Plan Source of nutrients Amount of nutrients Placement of nutrients Timing of nutrient applications
Other info Coastal Bermuda grass is used on much land where animal waste is applied because it removes high amounts of nutrients from the soil as well as controls erosion
Slaughtering Livestock Federal regulations require that all animals for slaughter be insensible to pain before being hoisted by their hind legs and stuck for bleeding
Slaughtering Livestock 01/28/mistake.shtml
Slaughtering Livestock The Federal Humane Slaughter Act permits three methods of stunning livestock- mechanical, electrical, and chemical
Slaughtering Livestock Beef cattle and hogs are bled by sticking with a knife to cut a main artery or jugular vein Exsanguination
Preparation for slaughter ca/~swatland/ch1_9.htm
Stunning a pig ~swatland/ch1_9.htm
Dehairing After exsanguination the pig is placed in scalding water and then onto a dehairing machine
Hide puller ~swatland/ch1_9.htm
Slaughtering poultry Stunning is done to make bird unconscious, but it must not kill the bird (Certain religious groups require that their poultry NOT be stunned-Ritual slaughter
Slaughtering Poultry Bleeding is done by cutting the jugular vein without cutting the trachea or esophagus Scalding in hot water is done to loosen feathers for removal
On the rail
Slaughtering Poultry Picking is done to remove feathers Next they remove feet, neck and preen gland Evisceration- removing entrails Carcass is chilled to less than 40 deg F in ice water
USDA Inspection of Meat Federal Inspection began in 1891 Ante mortem inspection (before death) checks for diseases or other abnormalities and removes unfit animals before slaughter
USDA Inspection of Meat Postmortem inspection (after death) checks for irregular and contaminated parts and removes them to assure that only meat fit for human consumption passes inspection
USDA Inspection of Meat Processing plant sanitation is also inspected USDA grades have nothing to do with sanitation, just the quality of products
USDA Inspection of Meat The final step in meat animal carcass inspections in processing plants is to pass or to condemn the meat and to mark it as such
Improve Animal Health Diagnostic testing using monoclonal antibodies to test for brucellosis and to diagnose pregnancy
Improve animal health Treatment for diseases and disorders such as scours, parasites, shipping fever, and diseases caused by viruses and bacteria
Improve animal health Controlling animal diseases through genetically engineered vaccines which are pure and safe Modified Live Vaccines
Improve productivity Transgenic- animals that have a recombinant gene in all their cells can be used to produce medicine for humans
Improve productivity Somatotropins- hormones produced by the pituitary gland that circulate in the blood and direct the processes or growth and fat deposits and regulate milk production in females
Somatotropins bST- genetically engineered bovine somatotropin helps cattle increase weight and produce leaner meat
Somatotropins pST- genetically engineered porcine somatotropin increases feed efficiency and reduces fat
Improve reproduction Embryo transfer Cloning- identical genetics Increases uniformity (same genetics) (embryo splitting, nuclear transfer) Gene transfer-transgenics
Ethical issues Bioethics concerns what is good and bad morally with the sciences that concern living things. Personal beliefs and values affect how different people and groups feel about issues
Ethical issues-7 Questions Does it hurt anyone? Is it legal? Is it fair? Am I being honest? Can I live with myself Would I publicize my decision? What if everyone did it?