EMODnet Chemistry 2 6 th Steering Committee ISPRA–Venice Lagoon Service (Italy), 3-4 December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

EMODnet Chemistry 2 6 th Steering Committee ISPRA–Venice Lagoon Service (Italy), 3-4 December 2015

Project Management (WP0) – Web portal EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Project Management (WP0) – Web portal EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Project Management (WP0) – Partnership EU gave formal agreement to continue collaboration with Crimean partners. OGS signed new subcontract with: MHI ( €) IBSS ( €) YugNIRO ( €) exit the consortium and I didn’t get any feedback. Payments for the second year are underway (OGS get EU money on 18/11/2015) EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Next meetings Helsinki (SYKE and FMI) June 2016 – Auditorium (120), Final plenary meeting (2 full days), 16 June 2015 – Terra (30), 7 th steering committee (1 full day) Proposal for extra session on the second day (1 hour) as for EMODnet chemistry data users to promote EMODnet data dissemination and networking EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Memorandum of Understanding with the Commission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (BSC) Based of template received by BSC, we edited a first draft with: Activities by EMODnet Chemistry EMODnet Chemistry will give BSC access to regional products for supporting generation and management of MSFD indicators; EMODnet Chemistry will participate in the BSC Advisory Groups meetings (PMA-Pollution Monitoring and Assessment, LBS-control of pollution from Land Based Sources); Activities by BSC BSC will support EMODnet Chemistry project in data uptake by identifying and mobilizing additional data sources in the Black Sea, where permissible; BSC will make efforts to contribute to the validation of EMODnet results with regional experts; BSC will try to participate in EMODnet Experts Workshops, whenever possible; BSC will consider the possibility to join in EMODnet Phase 3 proposal. OGS legal office request EU to authorise the transfer of results to third parties  OGS President asked EU for authorisation to conclude MoU with BSC

EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015 Report from Expert Workshop and EMODnet Jamboree Conclusions from minutes: A video tutorial explaining the way to use the Chemistry Lot portal could be really helpful Further improve the labelling of the product viewing service with a better specification of the products categories (e.g: “concentration maps” for the Diva interpolated fields) Provide a more direct labelling of Monitoring and Research data Start the discussion of specific access/interfaces to the Regional Data Buffers with specific MoU for MSFD reporting relevant bodies.

Review of the last Action list: EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Update of Maris client for deprecated terms in BODC Vocabs (link with “replaced by” terms). e.g. MTSD: P02 Update CDI interface to joint deprecated and replaced by terms?

EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015  See presentation Preparation of the 3rd EMODnet-MSFD Coordination Meeting (8-9 December 2015)

Interaction with Marine Pilot for INSPIRE compliance  Marine pilot EMODnet-INSPIRE technical workshop, 7-8 December 2015, Brussels EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015 Interaction with IPChem: definition of layer of data sharing (buffer/CDI/public) based on metadata and data content model specifications

IPChem conceptual model: 21 entities…12 of them mandatory (grey) from Metadata and Data Content proposal: EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015 Metadata and data content proposal for IPCheM Idiscovery/ipchem/index.html

From an initial analysis the IPChem (mandatory) entities can be described by info coming mainly from CDIs/ODV but also from: -CDIs (P02, date, lat and lon, matrix…)  Entities (Sample,Location, Metadata Info…) -ODV files (P01…CASnumber of compounds, concentration, units of measurement …)  Entities (Source,Analysis, Results…) -EDMED/EDMERP (Acronym or short name of the dataset, level of aggregation)  Entities (Data Collection) -EDMO  Entities (Organisation, Point Of Contact…) EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions (WP1): EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions (WP1): EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions (WP1): Report from Regional Leaders Data collection is on-going for contaminants Cross-check between data inventory and data delivery? Robot harvesting (M30-contaminants ?) EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Data Products generation in sea regions (WP2): Diva maps for NO3, NOx, PO4, SiO4, NH4 per seasons are available On-going for TN, TP, NH4 per seasons Data validation loop To follow Chlorophyll-a, bottom Oxygen + Organic matter, pH, Alkalinity Priority: bottom Oxygen with all years per season in Black + Baltic Sea Next video-conference mid January 2016? Issue: Boundary Atlantic/North Sea ◦Status of Chase tool and next steps EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

QA/QC - Validation - MSFD interaction (WP3): Status of QA inventory and next implementation Survey of Quality Checks of parameters in sediment and biota (OGS) MSFD/Marine Convention official boundaries EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Quality Checks in sediment and biota performed by the following institutes: EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015 Institute acronymcontact AU-DCEMartin Larsen BMDCRuth Lagring BSHAnne C. B. IFREMERJulie Gatti IHPTCarlos Borges IMBKAna Castelli IMRAnn Kristin Ostrem IMS-METUVolodymyr Miroshnichenko IOFVlado Dadic/ Slavica Matijevic MHIAlexey Khaliulin RIHMI-WDCEvgenii Viazilov TSU-GAMMAKakhaber Bilashvili UHI-MBYuriy ILYIN

Portal development and operation (WP4): Status of the services hosted in Cineca cloud (ULg, Deltares, MARIS) Performance and maintenance of Deltares OGC services (Deltares) Sextant status and link to Data Originators (IFREMER) Report from the first EMODnet Technical Working Group (MARIS) EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

Analyses and Recommendations (WP5): ● MSFD-EMODnet cooperation and input from WGDIKE (ICES) ● User Survey (OGS and ICES) EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015

● Sent the reviewed (new Google form, now 6 topics, Chemistry lot focused…) users survey the 18/11/2015 to: To share with other colleagues from their institute (we don’t know the total number of involved people) Asked to the Secretariat to share the Survey on Maritime Forum (?) ● The on-line questionnaire will be available until the end of December 2015 at the following link: FMQcmFWb_JrUB1HI6kaKg36c7meLZCbmM/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link ● For the moment 23 replies EMODnet Chemistry 2 – 6th Steering Committee, 3-4 December 2015 User Survey (OGS and ICES):