Connected. Smart. Simple.
@weionet Uroš Petrevski Draško Drašković Designer - hacker, Uroš constructs his project ethics on the passion, enthusiasm and permanent exploration of technologies. Associate partner in, award winning Paris design agency. Engineer. He holds MSc degree in Electrical Engineering and has over 10 years of expertise in embedded systems, semicoductor and
@weionet est une agence d’innovations, et de Design Numérique multi primée. Elle conçoit des produits, des services, des espaces innovants urbains ou culturelles et des projets de recherches pour et avec des entreprises, des collectivités territoriales, des musées et des Laboratoires. Companies behind WeIO 8devices is a company engaged in development, manufacturing and sales of unique design and functionality electronic equipment.
@weionet Tomorrow (everything) will be connected!
@weionet IoT market predictions Cisco Gartner ● 26 billion units installed by 2020 ● Incremental revenue exceeding $300 billion, mostly in services, in 2020 ● $1.9 trillion in global economic value-add through sales into diverse end markets ● 25 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2015 and 50 billion by 2020 ● IoT Creates $14.4 trillion of Value at Stake for Companies and Industries
@weionet Let's make & design human IoT* *IoT of everyday things, IoT for people
@weionet IoT System Architecture
@weionet IoT System with WeIO
@weionet Wangela – WeIO Powered Interactive Lamp
@weionet New Things offer: Services Multimodal interactions and are Evolutive
@weionet Things don’t speak web
@weionet WeIO speaks Web
@weionet WeIO + things
@weionet Learn Prototype Produce
@weionet What is WeIO?
@weionet WeIO is Hardware and Software Platform
@weionet WeIO board WeIO IDE
@weionet Realtime hardware architecture
@weionet Everything fits inside!
@weionet Got a great idea, and you need to prototype it?
Designing new things with WeIO
WeIO is Open Open Sorce Software and Open Hardware SW stack (Linux + IDE + API) uC Firware HW Schematics Documentation
WeIO Github
WeIO Community
@weionet Meet us at NYC Maker Faire (September 20 & 21) Crowdfunding (Indiegogo) campaign coming in September
@weionet QUESTIONS