7th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing Validation and Analysis Frascati 2012 Brief Tutorial on Real-time Analysis D. Mazon CEA Cadarache
7th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing Validation and Analysis Frascati 2012 What Real-time Analysis means? Measurements available in real-time –Innovatives technologies –Fast processors –Real-time calibration –Validation of the RT results Application to RT visualisation of information (IR, T°, …) Extraction of information from the measurements using dedicated algorithms (T° from IR, inversion radius…) Determination of information from a set of measurements (equilibrium reconstruction, disruption precursors…) Feedback control –Warning and soft landing –One to one control (q0 during ramp up…) –Distibuted control (q profile control) –Integrated control (several control performed by the same actuators: model determination)
7th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing Validation and Analysis Frascati 2012 What Real-time Analysis means? Measurements available in real-time –Innovatives technologies –Fast processors –Real-time calibration –Validation of the RT results Application to RT visualisation of information (IR, T°, …) Extraction of information from the measurements using dedicated algorithms (T° from IR, inversion radius…) Determination of information from a set of measurements (equilibrium reconstruction, disruption precursors…) Feedback control –Warning and soft landing –One to one control (q0 during ramp up…) –Distibuted control (q profile control) –Integarted control (several control performed by the same actuators: model determination)
7th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing Validation and Analysis Frascati 2012 Rel time analysis session 14:05 - “Real time reconstruction of the Equilibrium of the plasma in a Tokamak and identification of the current density profile with the EQUINOX code” J. Blum 14:30 - “Procedure and results of the validation of the real time EQUINOX code on JET” D. Mazon 14:50 - “Simulator of the JET real-time disruption predictor” M. Lopez 15:15 - “Integration of GPU Technologies in EPICs for Real Time Data Preprocessing Applications” G. de Arcas