ECOM 4311—Digital System Design with VHDL Chapter 3 Signals and Data Types
Objectives Object Classes and Object Types Signal Objects Scalar Types Type Std_Logic Scalar Literals and Scalar Constants Composite Types Arrays Types Unsigned and Signed Composite Literals and Composite Constants Integer Types Port Types for Synthesis Operators and Expressions
Object Classes An object’s class represents the nature of the object and how it is used, for example, whether the object’s value can be modified and whether it has a time element associated with it. VHDL has four classes: Signal: an object with a current value and projected (future) values. The projected values can be changed using signal assignment statements. Constant: an object whose value cannot be changed after it is initially specified. Variable: an object with only a current value. A variable’s value can be changed using variable assignment statements. File: an object that consists of a sequence of values of a specified type.
Object Types Each VHDL object must be of some type. An object’s type defines the set of values the object can assume and the set of operations that can be performed on those values. There are five types: Scalar type Composite type Access type File type Protected type
Strong Typing VHDL is a strongly typed language with strictly enforced type rules. If we mix different types in an expression or exceed a type’s range of values, the compiler or simulator generates an error message. For example, the integer value 0, the real number 0.0, and the bit value '0' are not the same type, and, therefore, are not the same. VHDL’s strong typing makes it easier for a compiler to detect errors.
Object Declarations All objects must be declared before being used. A declaration introduces the name of an object, defines its type, and, optionally, assigns an initial value.
Signal Objects As seen in Chapter 2, the ports of a design entity are signals. From the viewpoint of a design entity, its ports can be thought of as external signals, which are simply referred to as ports. Signals within a design entity can be thought of as local or internal signals, which are simply referred to as signals.
Scope and Visibility For each signal declared, VHDL language rules define a certain region of text, called scope or namespace, where the signal’s name can be used. A signal is said to be visible (accessible) within its scope. Outside of its scope, a signal is unknown. Any attempt to use a signal outside of its scope causes a compilation error. A signal’s scope is determined by where it is declared. A signal can be declared in the declarative part of an entity declaration, the declarative part of an architecture body, or in a package declaration.
Port Visibility & Signal Visibility Port Visibility A port’s name is visible in the entity declaration in which it is declared and in any architecture bodies associated with that entity declaration. A component declaration in the declarative part of an architecture makes that component’s port signals visible in that architecture. Signal Visibility A signal declared in the declarative part of an architecture body can only be used within that architecture; it is not visible outside of that architecture.(information hiding)
Port Declaration Port is used to refer only to signals declared by port declarations Example: or [signal] identifier_list : [ mode ] subtype_indication [ := static_expression ] port (x, y: in std_logic; eq: out std_logic); port (x: in std_logic; y: in std_logic; eq: out std_logic);
1-bit Comparator Example library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity compare is port (x, y: in std_logic; eq: out std_logic); end compare; architecture dataflow of compare is begin eq <=(not x and not y) or (x and y); end dataflow; Since x, y, and eq are declared in the port clause for compare, these signals are visible (can be used) in any architecture associated with compare
Signal Declaration Signals are declared in the declarative part of an architecture using a signal declaration statement. The syntax for a signal declaration looks just like that of an interface signal declaration, except that the keyword signal is required and no mode is specified. Unlike ports, signals do not have a mode. A signal can transfer information in either direction. signal identifier_list : subtype_indication [:= static_expression] ;
Example: 1-bit comparator using local signals library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity compare is port (x, y: in std_logic; eq: out std_logic); end compare; architecture dataflow2 of compare is signal x_bar, y_bar: std_logic; begin x_bar <= not x; y_bar <= not y; eq <= (x_bar and y_bar) or (x and y); end dataflow2;
Scalar Types
Type Declaration Just as all signals must be declared with a type before they are used, all types must also be declared before use. Types are declared using a type declaration The type definition portion of a type declaration defines the set of values an object of that type can have. Types used for ports must be declared in a package, so that the type is visible to entity declarations. type identifier is type_definition ;
Predefined types Predefined (built-in) types are those defined in packages STANDARD and TEXTIO in the library STD. This library is provided with all VHDL compilers. The predefined types in package STANDARD are directly visible in a design without explicitly using any library or use clauses. library std, work; use std.standard.all;
Enumeration Types An enumeration type is declared by simply listing (enumerating) all possible values for the type. There must be at least one value in the list. Like all other VHDL identifiers, an identifier used as an enumeration literal is not case sensitive. In contrast, character literals are case sensitive. A character literal is a single character enclosed in single quotes. For example, the single characters 'a‘ and 'A' are distinct. An enumeration type is said to be a character type if at least one of its enumeration literals is a character literal. enumeration_type_declaration ::= type identifier is ( enumeration_literal { , enumeraton_literal } ) enumeration_literal ::= identifier | character_literal
Enumeration Types Each enumeration literal must be unique within the type being declared. However, different enumeration types may use the same literal. In such cases, the literal is said to be overloaded. All scalar types are ordered. All relational operators (>, <, =, and so on) are predefined for their values. Enumeration literals are ordered, in ascending order, by their textual position in the list of literals defining the type.
Type Character Type character is an enumeration type, predefined in package STANDARD, that corresponds to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8-bit encoded character set ISO 8859-1:1987. This character set includes graphic characters and format effectors. The definition of type character contains a mixture of character literals and identifiers as elements: See table in the book page 91
Type Bit Type bit is an enumeration type used as a simple representation for a logic signal. The type declaration for bit appears in package STANDARD as: type bit is ('0','1');
Subtype Declarations A type derived from another type is a subtype. The type from which the subtype is derived is its base type. Creating and using a subtype allows us to make it clear which values from the base type are valid for an object. EX. A subtype declaration does not define a new type. The type of a subtype is the same as its base type. Accordingly, the set of operations allowed on a subtype is the same as the set allowed on its base type. subtype identifier is [ resolution_function_name ] type_mark [ constraint ] ; subtype digitt is integer range 0 to 9; signal f , g : digitt;
Package STD_LOGIC_1164 While VHDL has several predefined types, it does not have one that provides more than two values to represent a logic signal. A logic system that has more than two logic states (0 and 1) is a multivalued logic system. The IEEE Library, included with VHDL compilers, includes package STD_LOGIC_ 1164. Package STD_LOGIC_1164 defines a nine value logic system. Type std_ulogic and its subtype std_logic are defined in this package. Also defined in this package are operators and functions for operands of these types.
Std_ulogic Type std_ulogic is declared in package STD_LOGIC_1164 as: ( 'U' -- Uninitialized 'X' -- Forcing Unknown '0' -- Forcing Low '1' -- Forcing High 'Z' -- High Impedance 'W' -- Weak Unknown 'L' -- Weak Low 'H' -- Weak High '-' -- Don't Care ); Lowercase versions of these characters are not valid representations of std_ulogic values.
State and Strength Properties
Unresolved & Resolved Types Type std_ulogic is an unresolved type. It is illegal for two (or more) sources to drive the same signal if that signal is of an unresolved type. A resolved type is a type declared with a resolution function. A resolution function is a function that defines, for all possible combinations of one or more source values, the resulting (resolved) value of a signal. If we are describing a circuit with three-state outputs used in a bus interface, we need to use a resolved data type.
Std_logic as a Resolved Subtype Std_logic is a subtype of std_ulogic and is declared in package STD_LOGIC_1164 as: Std_logic’s resolution function resolved is defined in package STD_LOGIC_ 1164. In the case of multiple sources for a signal, the effect of the multiple source values is resolved to a single value. subtype std_logic is resolved std_ulogic;
Scalar Constants A constant is an object that is assigned a value only once, normally when it is declared. The value of a constant cannot be changed in a program. We can think of a constant as a literal value with a name and type. Constants are used to make programs more readable and to make it easier to change a value throughout a program, by changing the value only in the constant’s declaration. constant identifier_list : subtype_indication := expression ; constant high_impedance : std_logic := 'Z';
Composite Type A composite type consists of a collection of related elements that form either an array or a record. A composite object can be operated on as a single object or its constituent elements can be operated on individually. An element of an array is selected by the array’s name and the element’s index value.
Array Types Array types group elements of the same type together as a single object. Arrays can be one dimensional or multidimensional. A one-dimensional array is also called a vector. It has an index whose value selects an element in the array by its position. An element of a multidimensional array is selected using its indices. A one-dimensional array is commonly used to represent a bus in a digital system; for example, the address bus, data bus, or control bus of a computer. Even though a two-dimensional array is not supported for synthesis, an array of arrays is supported.
Unconstrained Array Before an array object can be declared, its array type must be declared using an array type declaration. One way to declare an array type is as an unconstrained array. An unconstrained array (unbounded array) is an array whose dimensions and indices types are specified when the array type is declared, but the bounds for each dimension are left unspecified. type identifier is array ( type_mark range <> ) of element_subtype_indication; type bit_vector is array ( natural range <> ) of bit;
Type Std_logic_vector Std_logic_vector is a one-dimensional unconstrained array of elements of type std_logic that is defined in package STD_LOGIC_1164 as: When we declare an object of an unconstrained array type, we must specify a constraint for the index bounds. the index range can be either an ascending (integer to integer) or descending (integer downto integer) For example: descending (downto) is recommended for ports and the lower bound recommended to be 0. type std_logic_vector is arrayn ( natural range <> ) of std_logic; signal databyte: std_logic_vector (0 to 7); signal databyte: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
A 4-bit comparator using std_logic_vector inputs.
Modeling Wires and Buses SIGNAL a : STD_LOGIC; SIGNAL b : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0); a 1 wire b bus 8
Constrained Array Another way to declare an array object is to declare a constrained subtype of an unconstrained type and then declare the array object using that subtype. For example: subtype byte is std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); signal databyte: byte; type word is array (15 downto 0) of std_logic; signal dataword: word;
Treating an Array We can treat an array as a single composite object Sometimes we want to deal with a single array element or a subset of consecutive array elements. signal x, y : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0); x <= y; x(3) <= '0'; x <= ('1','0','1','1'); x(3) <= '1'; x(2) <= '0'; x(1) <= '1'; x(0) <= '1'; named association positional association x <= (3 =>'1', 1 => '1', 0 => '1', 2 => '0');
Bit String Literals A bit string literal is a special form of string literal used to represent a sequence of bit values as either binary, octal, or hexadecimal numeric data. A bit string literal can contain any of the characters from 0 through 9, and a through f, or A through F. It must be prefixed by a B, O, or X to indicate binary, octal, or hexadecimal base, respectively. low_address <= B"01111001"; low_address <= X"79"; low_address <= O"171"; -- invalid assignment low_address <= B"0111_1001"; low_address <= "0111_1001"; -- invalid assignment
Operators over an array data type Several operators are defined over the 1-D array data type, including Array aggregate operator Concatenation operator Relational operator
Array aggregate Aggregate is a VHDL construct to assign a value to an array-typed object E.g., a <= "10100000"; a <= (7=>'1', 6=>'0', 0=>'0', 1=>'0', 5=>'1', 4=>'0', 3=>'0', 2=>'1'); a <= (7|5=>'1', 6|4|3|2|1|0=>'0'); a <= (7|5=>'1', others=>'0'); a <= "00000000" a <= (others=>'0'); x <= (3|1|0 =>'1', 2 => '0'); x <= (2 => '0', others => '1'); signal Data_Bus : Std_Logic_Vector (15 downto 0); Data_Bus <= (15 downto 8 => '0', 7 downto 0 => '1');
Array aggregate An aggregate can also be used to combine scalar signals together so that their values can be assigned to an array and treated as a vector within an architecture’s body. signal rd_bar, wr_bar, s2_bar : std_logic; signal cntrl : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); cntrl <= (rd_bar, wr_bar, s2_bar); (rd_bar, wr_bar, s2_bar) <= "010"; slice signal address : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); signal low_address: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); low_address <= address(7 downto 0);
Concatenation operator (&) The concatenation operator '&' Very useful operator -- can be used to shift elements e.g., y <= "00" & a(7 downto 2); y <= a(7) & a(7) & a(7 downto 2); y <= a(1 downto 0) & a(7 downto 2); d <= "1011" & "0101"; d <= '0' & "1100101";
Relational operators for array operands must have the same element type but their lengths may differ Two arrays are compared element by element, form the left most element All following returns true "011"="011", "011">"010", "011">"00010", "0110">"011“ Be careful – the following always returns false if sig1 is shorter than sig2 if (sig1 = sig2) then
Composite Constants A composite constant is a constant that is an array or record. When a constant of an unconstrained array type is declared, its array bounds can be inferred from the expression used to initialize the constant. For example: constant pattern : std_logic_vector := "11010101";
Types signed and unsigned Type std_logic_vector is not defined as a numeric representation. It is simply an array of elements of type std_logic. No arithmetic operators are defined for it in package STD_LOGIC_1164. package NUMERIC_STD, defines two vector types whose elements are type std_logic: The unsigned and signed to represent unsigned and signed numeric values. type unsigned is array ( natural range <> ) of std_logic; type signed is array ( natural range <> ) of std_logic;
Types signed and unsigned Type signed is interpreted as a signed binary number in 2’s complement form. The leftmost element is the sign bit. Type unsigned is interpreted as an unsigned binary number with the leftmost element as the most significant bit. To use either type unsigned or signed a design unit must be preceded by the following context clause: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; signal m : unsigned := "1101"; signal s : unsigned (7 downto 0);
Interpretation of Unsigned and Signed Operators The VHDL arithmetic operators abs, *, /, mod, rem, +, and – are overloaded in package NUMERIC_STD for types unsigned and signed. For these overloaded operators the operands can be: both unsigned, both signed, unsigned and natural, or unsigned and integer. The relational operators are overloaded to handle operands that : are both unsigned, both signed, unsigned and natural, or unsigned and integer.
Conversion between Std_logic_vector, Unsigned, and Signed Although types std_logic_vector, unsigned, and signed all have elements that are type std_logic, they are different types. In VHDL these types are considered closely related. Type conversion between closely related types is accomplished by simply using the name of the target type as if it were a function. For example: if signal x is declared as type std_logic_vector and signal y is declared as type unsigned, and they are of equal length x <= y; -- illegal assignment, type conflict y <= x: -- illegal assignment, type conflict x <= std_logic_vector(y); -- valid assignment y <= unsigned(x): -- valid assignment
Example library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; . . . signal s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal u1, u2, u3, u4, u6, u7: unsigned(3 downto 0); signal sg: signed(3 downto 0);
Example Continue…. Ok u3 <= u2 + u1; --- ok, both operands unsigned u4 <= u2 + 1; --- ok, operands unsigned and natural Wrong u5 <= sg; -- type mismatch u6 <= 5; -- type mismatch Fix u5 <= unsigned(sg); -- type casting u6 <= to_unsigned(5,4); -- conversion function
Example Continue…. Wrong u7 <= sg + u1; -- + undefined over the types Fix u7 <= unsigned(sg) + u1; -- ok, but be careful s3 <= u3; -- type mismatch s4 <= 5; -- type mismatch s3 <= std_logic_vector(u3); -- type casting s4 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(5,4));
Example Continue…. Wrong s5 <= s2 + s1; + undefined over std_logic_vector s6 <= s2 + 1; + undefined Fix s5 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(s2) + unsigned(s1)); s6 <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(s2) + 1);
Note Types std_logic_vector, unsigned, and signed are all vectors whose elements are type std_logic. Signals of these types having n-elements are often referred to as n-bit vectors. While this terminology is a misnomer, since the elements of the vector are not actually type bit but are instead type std_logic, it is commonly used. This terminology reflects the actuality of the hardware being described.
Integer Type An integer type has values that are whole numbers in a specified range. Type integer is declared in package STANDARD There are two predefined type integer subtypes: natural and positive are defined in package STANDARD. Integer literals can be represented as decimal literals or based literals A decimal literal representing an integer can be simply a sequence of digits or exponential notation can be used. A based literal uses an explicitly specified base between 2 and 16. 100 or 1E2 or 1e2 10#100# or 2#1100100# or 2#0110_0100# or 16#64#
Synthesis of an Unconstrained Integer An unconstrained integer is synthesized as 32 bits. For this reason, when used for synthesis, an integer signal should always be constrained to the smallest range of values required. A synthesizer will map constrained integers to the minimum number of bits required to represent the specified range to reduce the amount of hardware synthesized. entity compare_int is port ( a,b: in integer range 0 to 15; equal: out boolean); end compare_int; abstract type
Functions for Conversion to and from Type Integer Example: If i is an integer and unsigned signal y has eight elements, and signal x is std_logic_vector : y <= to_unsigned(i,8); x <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,8));
Homework#2 Solve the following problems from the textbook chapter2: 7, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30,31
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