Family Arts Standards
The Family and Childcare Trust works to make the UK a better place for families. Our vision is of a society where government, business and communities do all they can to support every family to thrive. Through our research, campaigning and practical support we are creating a more family friendly UK.
Family Arts Standards Issues identified by families at start of Campaign: 1 in 7 families said venues were unwelcoming to families Only 3.5% of families said there was sufficient “high quality” work for families Source: Family Arts Campaign Survey (2012) Drivers/Levers for attendance: 90% of families say “high quality” activities are essential or very important 68% of families say the “Family Welcome” is essential or very important 63% of families say that “cost” is essential or very important Source: Family Arts Panel Survey (2013)
Family Arts Standards 65% of arts organisations do not use any particular branding to indicate activities suitable for families 60% of arts organisations said they certainly or probably would use a nationally recognised “family friendly” logo 79% of families said there was a need for a nationally recognised “family friendly” logo Source: Family Arts Survey (2012)
Family Arts Standards
Fantastic for Families Logo devised to be used on any activity suitable for families Only available to arts organisations who have signed up to the Family Arts Standards
Family Arts Standards Thinking about the Family Arts Standards: What areas do you think you would need to do most work to meet the Standards? Are there cost implications? What is your incentive to join? Is there a disincentive to joining? How do you see the Standards benefitting your work? Do the Standards match the needs of Festivals?
Family Arts Campaign What next? Sign-up for Family Arts Standards Start planning for 2014