Mid Day Meal Scheme 1 Ministry of HRD Government of India PAB-MDM Meeting – Madhya Pradesh
Review of Implementation of MDMS in MADHYA PRADESH (Primary + Upper Primary) ( to ) Part-I Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
ISSUES Delay in the release of central assistance to schools Negative closing balance of cooking cost in districts. viz. Anoopnagar (-17%), Balaghat (-14%), Chhatarpur (-10%), Chhindwara (11%), Khandwa (13%) and Mandla (16%). Surplus food grain in districts Honorarium not e-transferred in to the account of CCH. Less coverage of working days (11) Delay in the construction of kitchen-cum-store Low utilization of Transport Assistance Low utilization of MME
Best Practices 75,000 women SHGs engaged for preparing meals in more than one lakh schools. Cooking cost e-transferred directly in to SHG Account. Procurement of Cooking utensils decentralized at SMC level. Dedicated staff at districts for inspecting 50 schools each per month. Quarterly review by Gram Sabha of MDMS under Social Audit. Hand Wash with soap by student before taking meals and Cooks before preparing meal. “ Delicious New Menu” introduced.
Cont… Every district allocated funds for LPG connections upto 1000 SMCs. Milk from milk powder provided on pilot basis in Vidisha district for four months. Ag-mark spices used and other ingredients used in packaged form. In every school, sample of food is kept in a sealed tiffin for 24 hrs. Dining Hall constructed by dovetailing funds of BRGF, MANREGA, etc. September-2014, celebrated as Abhilekh Sandharan month and Verification of SHGs..
Observations of the Monitoring Institute (MPISSR),Ujjain) The MI visited 40 schools in each of the thirteen districts viz Alirajpur. Barwani, Datia Dhar Dewas Gwalior Indore Jhabua Khargone Ratlam Shajapur Tikamgarh, Ujjain. The major findings of the MI are: 47 to 82 % out of 40 visited schools each in Alirajpur, Jhabua, Indore and Datia did not have Fair Average quality (FAQ) food grains. All visited schools were paying cooks-cum-helpers by cheques Delay in receiving funds in 23, 18, 15 & 12 out of 40 schools each in Alirajpur,Datia, Ratlam & Dhar respectively due to Zila Panchayat & banking troubles. Cooking cost not received in advance in 21, 13 & 9 out of 40 schools/ implementing agencies each in Alirajpur, Dhar & Datia respectively on regular basis.
Cont…. Cook-cum-helpers complained that they were not receiving their remuneration on time in 20, 15, 12 & 12 visited schools in Barwani, Ratalm, Alirajpur & Jhabua respectively. Students were unsatisfied with the quality & quantity, of meal provided to them (10 & 8 out of 40 visited Schools in Indore & Datia). Chapati is not good, MDM quality is very bad, Poor quality of grains. Inferior quality of meals & Unhygienic preparation of food. (Indore & Datia) School health cards were prepared in only 20 to 40% (8 to 16) schools of 13 districts. Sufficient Number of plates were not available for all children in 19 &18 visited schools in Jhabua & Khargone respectively MDM inspection register was not found in 12, 8,8,7, & 7 visited schools in Jhabua,Alirajpur, Indore, Ratlam & Ujjain respectively.
Less Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment ( Primary) District EnrolmentAvg. Availed MDM% Less Coverage Ashoknagar % Rewa % Shivpuri % Bhind % Datia % Sheopur % Bhopal % Guna %
Less Coverage of Children vis-à-vis enrolment ( Upper Primary) District EnrolmentAvg. Availed MDM % Less Coverage Shivpuri % Ashoknagar % Rewa % Bhind % Sidhi % Sheopur % Guna % Datia %
Performance Score Card Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Analysis of State’s Proposal for Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Performance of Primary upto 3 rd QTR FY No. of children (in lakhs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Performance of Upper Primary upto 3 rd QTR FY No. of children (in lakhs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Cook-cum- helper Approved by PAB MDM FY Already Engaged Proposal for Reduction of number of CCH Proposal for Cook-cum-helper engaged in MDM Scheme CCH not engaged against
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of institutions eligible for Kitchen cum store SanctionedConstructed through convergence GapProposal
Proposal for Procurement of Kitchen Devices Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of institutions SanctionedProcured through convergence Gap New schools State Proposal State proposal for replaceme nt Note: units are eligible for replacement sanctioned in to
Proposals and Recommendations Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India S. NocomponentPAB Approval Proposal Recommendation by Appraisal team 1 Children (Pry) Children (U Pry) NCLP Drought PryNIL Drought U.PryNIL Working Day (Pry & U Pry) NCLP Drought(Pry & U.pry) 240 Pry & Upry 312 NCLP 240 Pry & Upry 313 NCLP 50 drought (Pry & Upry) 240 Pry & Upry 313 NCLP 50 drought (Pry & Upry) 7 Kitchen cum Store Nil 8 Cook cum Helper267785Reduction of from sanctioned CCH CCH for drought for 50 days Nil Kitchen Devices9176 (New) (R) 5869 for FY (New) (R) (New) (R) for FY MMERs croreRs croreWithin permissible limit Requirement of FundsExistingRs crore 12 Last year approved allocation Rs crore
Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank you Dining Hall in Tripura
Component-wise performance under Primary Stage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Component-wise performance under Upper Primary Stage Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage : Enrolment Vs Achievement (Pry) No. of Children (in lakhs ) 78% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 77% Percentage indicates coverage of children against the Total Enrolment ASER, % attendance on the day of visit. 79%
Coverage : Enrolment Vs Achievement (U.Pry) No. of Children (in lakhs ) 74% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 76% Percentage indicates coverage of children against the Total Enrolment ASER, % attendance on the day of visit. 76%
Foodgrains : Opening Balance, Allocation & Lifting ( to ) Foodgrains (in MTs) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 60% 73%
FOOD GRAIN : ALLOCATION vs. UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Quantity in MTs 63% 60%
Payment of cost of Food grains to FCI up to 31 Dec Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakh ) 99% As per FCI’s Statement Outstanding position against issue of foodgrains under MDM Scheme upto is Rs Lakh.
COOKING COST: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakh 63% 67% 59%
Coverage : School Health Programme No. of Institutions Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 78% IFA Distributed in 59% Schools De-worming 58% Schools Vitamin 'A' Distributed 48% Schools
Coverage : School Health Programme No. of Children in Lakh Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 56% 54% 27% 32% 68% Total enrolment primary and upper primary spectacles distributed
Approval Vs Achievement Engagement of Cooks-cum-Helpers during to No. of CCH Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 91% Primary + Upper Primary CCH not engaged.
Honorarium to Cooks-cum-Helpers Rs. In Lakh Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
MME: ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakhs 44% 89% Inspection of 89% schools upto 3 rd qtr 65%
Transportation Assistance : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakhs 39% 66% 45%
Achievement up to (Kitchen cum Stores) Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Total Sanctioned : Kitchen Cum Stores 3499
Achievement up to (Kitchen Devices) Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Total Sanctioned : units of Kitchen Devices including units of replacement
Pre requisite steps for submission of AWP& B Pre-requisite stepsStatus Plan should be approved by SSMC MeetingYes 100% payment of honorarium shall be made to cook cum helpers up to December 2014 Yes 100% payment of cost of foodgrains shall be made to FCI upto 31 st December 2014 Yes Separate and detailed MME plan.Yes Bank account should be opened for cook cum helpers Yes in all districts
Pre-requisite stepsStatus Plan should also be submitted through MDM-MIS No Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY should be completed up to December % Annual 94% monthly ATN on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of Yes ATN on findings of reports of MI and recommendations of JRM reports Yes Plan should be submitted within the scheduled date in hard and soft copies both. Yes
Thank You Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Thank you Dining Hall in Tripura