GO NORDIC! Are Straume Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education Denmark
Denmark - facts Population of 5.56 mio. 3% of GDP Universities (12 8) Research institutions (17 3) Two universities in top 100 in 2012 Very high degree of internationalisation No ’trade-barrieres’ in the Danish R&D funding system High impact of Danish Science FORSK2020 – strategic priorities
Denmark - links The Danish Council for Strategic Research research The Danish Council for Independent Research research The Danish Council for Technology and Innovation and-innovation Forsk2020
Finland - facts Population of 5,4 million Higher education institution network covers the country – 16 universities and 25 polytechnics – both sectors do research, educate based on research and interact within the society 18 governmental research institutes Two universities in top 100 in 2012 Investments in RDI over 7 billion euro (2011) – of this ca. 70 % in the private sector – 3,78 % of GDP Proportion of research personnel in work force the highest in OECD countries FiDiPro Public-private partnership well supported
Finland - links
Iceland - facts R&D expenditure is 3,1% of GDP 17% of total R&D expenditure to public competitive funds Icelandic publications in peer reviewed journals have one of the highest citation impact of scientific publications in the OECD countries University of Iceland is among the 300 best in the world according to Times HE Universities Ranking Health DeCode Genetics US comes first RANNIS
Iceland - links
Norway - facts Total R&D costs: 1.7 per cent of the GNP Internationalized R&D Centers of Excellence Centers for research based innovation
Norway - links Centres of excellence and other information: Centres for research-based innovation: sfi/Centres_at_a_glance/ General information:
Sweden - facts Almost 4% of GDP Swedish R&D+I funding open to all, including non-Swedes 14 universities and 25 higher education institutions Two universities in top 100 in 2012 Investments in strategic areas and infrastructure: Max IV Lab synchroton radiation facility and European Spallation Source ESS
Sweden - Links Swedish Research Council The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS) The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning VINNOVA - Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems
Thank you! Are Straume