Who we should be ? As Sport Managers?
Competencies for Entrepreneurship Izquierdo, E., Desschoolmeester, D., Salazar, D. ( 2005) A View from Entrepreneurs and Scholar's Perspective Identifying business opportunities Evaluating business opportunities Decision Making Networking Identifying and solving problems Oral communication abilities Innovative thinking Model developed by Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education Personal Effectiveness Competencies (Interpersonal Skills, Initiative, Ambition, Adaptability and Flexibility, Willingness to Take Risks and Learn Academic Competencies Workplace Competencies Industry – Sector Technical Competencies
Entrepreneurs in sport – do they need to possess any different or additional E skills? Sports innovations are complex – driven by technologies, social innovation, driven by connection of sectors – skills for the discovery of synergies are important Proactiveness must be combined with environmental and social responsibility Sport – risk taking – in sport as such and in business with players, social risk Balancing the business and social goals