PRE-KINDERGARTEN SUMMER SCHOOL Bridgewater-Hebron Village School Valerie Kehoe, Ed.D
Intervene Early Pre-Kindergarten literacy screening Invite students who scored below the 49 th percentile to a Pre-Kindergarten Summer School funded in part with a $2, literacy mini-grant from the NH DOE, Office of Early Childhood Education Literacy Program Provide a literacy-rich summer school experience combined with direct instruction Engagement with parents
Impact of a Pre-K Summer School Student Attendance: Being Present Matters Student #Days PresentDays Absent
Student #Pretest Literacy Score (#points/100) May 2011 Posttest Literacy Score (#points/100) July Accepted invitation to Pre-K Summer School, however, did not attend Student #10 replaced Student # A score of 30 on the literacy screening and 60 on the math screening would place a student between the 49 th -51 st percentile upon entering kindergarten (Fielding, Kerr & Rosier, 2007). Pretest-Posttest Results of Pre-Kindergarten Summer School Students
Fall DIBELS Next Data Student # Pretest Literacy Score (# points/100) May 2011 Pretest Literacy Score (# points/100) July 2011 Fall Benchmark DIBELS Next September 2011 FSF Goal = 10 Pre-K Attendance Present/Absent 526 # 5 did not attendFSF: 12 / LNF 4NA FSF: 1 / LNF 1112 / FSF: 12 / LNF2013 / Student #10 replaced Student # 5. FSF: 24 / LNF 715 / FSF: 0 / LNF 19 / 6 * FSF: 6 / LNF 1812 / 3
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