Welcome Upcoming Freshman
You’re about to take an exciting journey as you navigate your way through four years at WOHS. All doors are open to those who are willing to work hard and make good choices.
Freshman Agenda
Poor Choices = Negative Outcomes Poor Attendance Poor Study Habits Negative Peer Pressure Low GPA Not Meeting Deadlines Employment Hours No Extra-curricular Activities
Academic Classes The curriculum is different for Honors courses, students will be developing Honors Portfolios along with rigorous curriculum for Honors courses. (recommended students) You must have a honors class before taking an AP class. ex., Honors Earth/Environmental must take before AP Earth/Environmental Standard – 4 points Honors – 5 points AP- 6 points
Graduation Requirements 4 English 4 Mathematics 3 Science 4 Social Studies 1 Health & PE 4 Cluster/ Concentration Electives 2 Electives(CTE, ARTS, or Language ONLY) Additional Graduation Requirements- Graduation Project/CPR Total= 22 Credits
Freshman Schedule English I World History Earth/ Environmental Science Foundations of Math I or Math I Health & PE 3 Electives
Freshman Schedule English I Honors World History Honors Earth/Environmental Honors Math II Honors Health/PE 3 Electives Note: Honors pathway for Freshman they must achieve a level III or IV in 8 th grade Reading &Math EOG and Math I EOC exam.
Promotion Requirements Promoted to 10 th grade 6 Credits Promoted to 11 th grade 12 Credits Promoted to 12 th grade 18 Credits
Special Programs
Concentration Concentration - Four credits earned in a CTE which must include a level II course or Subject Area which are any courses beyond the graduation requirements Students are placed in an Academy based on their concentration: Freshmen Academy – placed to help assist with transition to High School (All 9 th grade students) Options after 9 th grade year: Arts Academy – Band, Chorus, Strings, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts HAHSA Academy– (Human & Allied Health Science Academy)-Health Occupations, Lifetime Fitness, Sports Medicine, Sport Management Humanities Academy- Education & Training, Culinary Arts, International Studies, Journalism, Law/Government & Public Services, Business Administrative Services, Business Finance, Business Marketing Management Technology Academy-Agriculture & Natural Resources, Biological & Chemical Technology, Bioengineering & Mathematics, Construction, Engineering & Architecture
Selection Guide The Onslow County High School Course Selection Guide is a comprehensive document profiling the individual programs and courses of study at all seven of Onslow County’s high schools. It is an effort to provide students, parents, and school professionals with an instrument to assist students in the selection of courses for grades 9 through 12.
Future Ready Core Graduation Course and Credit Checklist
9 th Grade Registration Form FRONT
9 th Grade List of Courses BACK
Registration Form Completion Please use a pencil Please have Student & Parent Sign Form Write-in Address Turn in registration form by due date to your homeroom teacher Please write your counselor’s name at the top right hand corner of registration form: Rena McAllister – Last Name A-G Sandra Young – Last Name H-O Tina Howard – Last Name P-Z
Administrators Mrs. Dennis Mr. Hecht Mr. Anderson
Office Staff Mrs. Ramirez Mrs. Papenfuse, Mrs. Scott, Mr. Morgan
School Resource Officer 1 st Sgt. Mark Perrigo
Counselors and Test Coordinator Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Young, Mr. Kopek, Mrs. Howard
Begin Completing Forms