Tony Williams Industrial ISD Superintendent
Who wants a refrigerator that was guaranteed to keep milk cold for 80% of the time?
Would you be attracted to an airline that boasted, “90% of our flights do not crash?”
Would you buy a car that was advertised to start and get you home safely 85% of the time?
Would you choose a surgeon who bragged that he only leaves surgical instruments in 5% of his patients?
There is no place where quality and excellence count more than a public school! We can not tolerate the failure of even one student.
Public schools are under more pressure to perform now than ever because there are other options people are willing to try; -Home school -Virtual Schools -Private schools -Voucher programs -Charter Schools
Failure is not an Option!
We must be focused on the needs of our students and our customers, their parents and our community.
We must treat them all like customers we could lose!
Support The 4 Dimensions of Excellence
Effective Communication Skills -Communicating from their point of view. -Spoken Communication -Written Communication -Always address their needs
Teamwork -Win-win, not win-lose -Employers want people who can work in teams -Good listeners -Teams need people who look out for the good of the entire organization, not just for themselves
Subscribe to Higher Standards -High Rigor and Relevance -Can it be used in everyday life? -Build capacity to maintain Higher Standards
Sensitive to Cultural Diversity -Willing to learn the others culture and work with it -Applying the Golden Rule- do unto others as you would have them do unto you. -Saying it is easy -Doing it is hard -It is Ego-Centric -Better to apply the Platinum Rule- do unto others as others want to have done to them
Incorporate the 4 Dimensions of Excellence 1. Effective Communication 2. Teamwork 3. High Standards 4. Embrace cultural diversity