Introduction to Russian phonology and word structure Ch 13: Morphemes; deep and surface representations
Q&A 1. What is a morpheme?
Q&A 1. What is a morpheme? –A morpheme is a minimal meaningful unit in a language –Note that we use curly brackets {} for morphophonemic transcription
By the way… Not everyone believes in “zero” morphemes (see the answer to question 2 in the book). According to some people there are zero morphemes in both inflection and derivation. I was raised on zero morphemes. But some people think that we should just trust the surface structure, and they certainly have a point...
2. Practicing breaking things up обогатитьсязабытьздравствуйте обоеполыйпролететьпролетарий производитель ность слоистыйсемьей семейсемействовзять
2. Practicing breaking things up (there are some controversies here) о|богат|и|ть|ся о|бог(|?)ат|и|ть| ся забы|ть за(|?)бы|ть здравствуй|те *c|драв|ств|уй|т е обое|пол|ый обой|е|пол|ый про|лет|е|тьпролетарий про|из|вод|и|те ль|н|ость сло|ист|ый слой|ист|ый семь|ей семейсемей|ств|овзя|ть вз(|?)я|ть