Language and Intelligence
Structure of language Phonemes - basic sounds Morphemes - units of meaning Grammar - rules of a language Semantics - meaning Syntax - order
Language in the brain Left hemisphere Broca’s area Wernicke’s area
Language development Language is learned at an exponential rate during the first 5 years 4 mos. - babbling 12 mos. - one-word stage 18 mos. - language explosion begins 24 mos. - two-word stage; 300 word vocabulary 36 mos. - phrases, complex sentences; 1000 word vocabulary
Nature vs. Nurture Skinner - language is acquired through learning principles Imitation, association, reinforcement Chomsky - the brain is hard-wired to acquire language Language acquisition device Who is right?
Sign language The same brain regions devoted to spoken language are devoted to sign language in non-hearing individuals
Animal language Do animals communicate? Do animals use language?
What is intelligence?
Intelligence Cultural construct Multiple intelligences Gardner’s 8 intelligences Sternberg’s triarchic theory Emotional intelligence
Measuring intelligence Intelligence testing Binet Terman IQ tests are meant to measure aptitude, not achievement IQ tests must have reliability and validity
Pitfalls of intelligence testing Cultural bias Measure achievement and aptitude Classifications are both helpful and limiting