English Morphology Introduction Talib M. Sharif Omer Asst. Lecturer, English Department November22,
Summary of Academic Profile I ‘m Talib M. Sharif Omer, M.A (Master of Arts) degree holder in the field of English language teaching at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom in I have been teaching English at Erbil Polytechnic University- Soran Technical Institute and been a supervisor and coach for a number of the undergraduate research students in present. From 2014 to 2015, I taught an English module ''Morphology'' for the year four major classes in the faculty of Arts, English department in Soran University. 2
Summary of Academic Profile Currently, I am teaching a course 'phonetics and phonology' for first year undergraduate Majors- Evening classes at the faculty of education, basic schools. 3
Course overview This course concentrates on the morphological structure of English words. Topics considered include the status of the notion of ‘word’, the elements of words are composed (roots and affixes). The difference between inflection and derivation, the internal structure of compounds. 4
Course Objectives It is essential, why? It helps to apprehend: 1-The structure of words 2-crtical awareness of morphological analysis. 3- Master of spelling, vocabulary, and accuracy. 4-to become acquainted with advanced theoretical concepts in morphology. 5
Student's obligation 1-Students are expected to attend all classes. 2-Students are expected to arrive on time. Arriving late and leaving early is not allowed. 3-Announcements will be made at the beginning and end of classes regarding the assigned readings and the expectations for assignments and exams. 4- Dominating the class by one student is impossible. 5-In case of missing class for some health reasons, please contact your department. 6-Ringing cell phones and phone conversations in the class is strictly prohibited. 6
Student's obligation 7- Students will be responsible for all materials covered in the assigned readings and lectures. 8- Students are not allowed to use their cell phones inside the class. 9- Respect each class member's view during class discussions. 10-Listen carefully to what your classmates are saying and do not ridicule another class member. 7
Forms of teaching Interactive Lecturing Group discussions Lecturing 8
Assessment scheme 10 % Politeness & participation 10% Quizzes & seminars 30% two exams 50% Final Exam 9
Learning outcome By the end of the course you should be familiar with morphology and how it is used across languages. Have awareness of different ways of word formation process. 10
Core References Morphology: Words and Their Structure. Edinburgh University Press. 3- Francis Katamba.(1993). Morphology. Macmillan press. 4-Francis,K., Stonham,A. (2006) Modern Linguistics: Morphology. 2 nd (ed) Palgrave: Macmillan Press. 5-Stageberg, N. (1981) An Introductory English Grammar. USA. linguistics/branches/morphology/what-is-morphology linguistics/branches/morphology/what-is-morphology 11
Contents Morphology: Introduction Different definitions of Morphology Morphemes& types of morpheme Morphemes, morphs and allomorphs Inflectional and derivational morphology Quality of Morpheme: roots, base stems. Diminutive nouns Forms of allomorphs Cutting words Productivity and its type Exam 12
Contents Words, lexemes, and word forms Morphology Derivation in lexical morphology Inflection in lexical morphology Morpho –syntax (words and phrases) Status of clitics Word formation process Types of word formation processes Grammatical function changing rules Paradigms and verbal paradigms. Compounding 13
Contents Prosodic morphology :introduction Reduplication Reduplication as prefixation Reduplication as suffixation Internal reduplication Metathesis Optional exam Morpho-phonology: introduction Course review 14
Forms of questions Which of the following is the correct division of the English word repaired (meaning 'mended, fixed') into morphemes? re-pair-ed re-pai-red repair-ed re-paired repaired Tell us, to what extent do you understand by blending? 15
Thank You 16