Title of your Study Your Name Date of your defense
Statement of the Problem Explain the problem that exists that you are trying to solve with your study.
Purpose of the Study Describe the purpose of your study
Research Questions List your research questions.
Significance of the Problem (Could be two slides if needed) Explain why this problem is important. Describe the importance of seeking a solution to the statement of the problem identified earlier. Explain the significance of the problem for both individuals and the general public. Mention the consequences if the problem is not adequately addressed. Describe the educational value of the study.
Literature Review Cite the five most important studies that are relevant to your study and provide a one sentence description about each one that highlights the relevancy.
Methodology Describe your methodology.
Variables Explain and describe each variable in the same order as presented in the research question(s). Include key references for each variable.
Measures Describe the design and performance of the measures used in the study. Describe all scales and subscales for any instruments and tests that are used in the study. Include reliability and validity if using a survey.
Research Design Describe the participants and any of their characteristics that are relevant to your study.
Research Design Describe the proposed intervention (treatment). Describe the proposed data collection process.
Research Design Describe the proposed data analysis.