Theory of Computing CSCI 356/541 Lab Session
Outline Lab 1: Finite Automata Construct and Run Construct and Run Manipulating Transitions Manipulating Transitions Convert to DFA Convert to DFA Minimize DFA Minimize DFA Convert FA to RE Convert FA to RE Combine Automata Combine Automata Regular Expressions Regular Pumping Lemma
Exercise 1. Build a FA that recognize strings over {a,b} such that there are an odd number of b’s and even numbers of a’s. Check your answer using JFLAP. 2.Convert (a+b)*cd to an FA 3.Construct a NFA for the expression (ab+c*)(abb)* following part 1 of Kleene’s theorem, Convert it to DFA. Is it minimal? If not then find the Min DFA. 4.Check whether (a*+b*)(c+d)* and (a+b)*(c*+d*) are equivalent or not. 5.By playing the game, based on pumping lemma, determine which one of the following language is regular: a. L={a n b n ;n>=0} (first one) b. L={(ab) 2n ;n=1,2,…} (last one) Explain your answer with parameters used.
Exercise are due on next Monday, 10 th October (17 th October). Try to finish today!!!