The Bible instructs us in every aspect of life, 2 Pet. 1:3 Marriage. Money.
We must heed God’s instructions. For a good life now. For eternal life later.
Things more valuable than earthly riches. Wisdom, Prov. 8:10-36; 16:16; 20:15; 10:21 Good name, Prov. 22:1 Integrity, Prov. 19:1, 22
Things more valuable than earthly riches. Blessings from God, Prov. 10:22 »Loving family. »Good health. »Spiritual blessings in Christ, prayer.
Things more valuable than earthly riches. Fear & peace, Prov. 15:16; 17:1 Love, Prov. 15:17 Righteousness, Prov. 16:8
Things more valuable than earthly riches. Treasure in heaven, Matt. 6:19-21 »Earthly treasures: passing away. »Heavenly treasures: eternal, 1 Pt. 1:4
Trust in God, not earthly treasures, 1 Tim. 6:17-19 God Stand Remain Serve Riches Fall Fly way Serve Prov. 18:10, 11; 11:28 Heb. 13:5; Prov. 23:5 Matt. 6:24
Trust in God, not earthly treasures, 1 Tim. 6:17-19 Righteousness, not riches, protects the soul, Prov. 11:3, 4; cf. Rom. 2:4-11 »God not bought off. »God not impressed with wealth.
Material goods are a blessing from God, Deut. 8:11-20 Enjoy, Ecc. 5:18, 19 Prayer for, 3 Jn. 2; 1 Jn. 5:14 Remember God, Lk. 12:13-21
Material goods are a blessing from God, Deut. 8:11-20 Examples. »Abraham, Gen. 13:2 »Isaac, Gen. 26:12-14 »Jacob, Gen. 30:43
Material goods are a blessing from God, Deut. 8:11-20 Examples. »Joseph, Matt. 27:57 »Cornelius, Acts 10:1, 2 »Centurion, Lk. 7:1-9
Covetousness is a major problem, Lk. 12:15 Trouble, Prov. 15:27 »Neglect family. »Make harmful decisions. No satisfaction, Ecc. 5:10
Covetousness is a major problem, Lk. 12:15 Many sorrows, 1 Tim. 6:6-10 »Separation from Christ. »Broken family. »Lost job. »Lost health. »Jail. »Destroyed friendships.
Debt is extremely dangerous. Serve another, Prov. 22:7 »Do things you would not normally do. »Lose hope.
Debt is extremely dangerous. Lose possessions, Prov. 22:26, 27 »Furniture. »Car. »Home.
Debt is extremely dangerous. Pledge for another: Trouble, Prov. 6:1-5; 11:15; 17:18 »Family. »Friend. »Brother or sister in Christ.
Debt is extremely dangerous. Pay your bills, Rom. 13:8 »Honorable. »Bankruptcy.
Wickedness will waste your wealth, Prov. 21:17; 29:3 Drinking. Drugs. Pornography. Prostitution. Gambling. Smoking.
Riches may hinder you from doing God’s will, Mt. 19:16-24; Mk. 10:23-25
The Bible instructs us in every aspect of life, 2 Pet. 1:3 Marriage. Money.
We must heed God’s instructions. For a good life now. For eternal life later.