Session 11 Advanced Apologetics Part 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Session 11 Advanced Apologetics Part 1

Session 11 Topics Introduction Confidence in God 8 things we can know with certainty What is MAG? 8 points of human commonality A possible objection The strength of MAG The flaw of moral relativism MAG 21 conclusion Transcendent: Beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience: "a transcendent level of knowledge".

Introduction - MAG It is a very biblical approach. It is an effective argument. It is accessible to people not trained in philosophy, science, history, or theology. It recognizes the centrality of presuppositions.

Confidence in God Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Confidence in God 2 Corinthians 3:5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God.

8 Things We Can Know with Certainty 1 Psalm 33:13-15 Everyone has the same Creator. God has fashioned the heart of every human being.

2 3 Genesis 1:26-27; James 3:9 Everyone bears the image of God. Romans 1:18-21 Everyone knows God exists. 3

4 Romans 1:18-21 Knowledge of God is suppressed (denial or distortion). Romans 1:32 Everyone senses their accountability to a Holy God for their moral choices. 5

6 Romans 2:14-15 Everyone has a God-given moral conscience that speaks to them about right and wrong. Romans 2:14-15 Everyone has God’s moral law written on their hearts. 7

8 Romans 3:9-12, 23 Everyone is, by nature, in a state of rebellion against God.

What Is MAG 21? STEP ONE: If objective moral values exist, then God exists. Objective moral values do exist, therefore, God exists.

What Is MAG 21? STEP TWO: God has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has appointed, Jesus Christ. God has given proof of this to all people by raising Jesus from the dead.

What Is MAG 21? STEP THREE: Good news! Through faith in Jesus Christ, those who repent of their sin God will count as having the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and they will be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life.

Peter and Paul Peter (Acts 2) Preaching to the Jews on the Day of Pentecost (Direct) Paul (Acts 22) Preaching in Athens (Indirect)

8 Points of Human Commonality All people are created by God. All bear His image. They all know He exists. They suppress or distort the truth They know they are morally accountable. They have a God-given conscience. God’s law is written on their heart. They are rebellious sinners.

Possible Objection The existence of just one atheist or one moral relativist completely undermines MAG 21. Answer Yes, but there are no atheists and there are no moral relativists!

“The evolutionist’s case is that ethics is a collective illusion of the human race, fashioned and maintained by natural selection in order to promote individual reproduction…what is really important to the evolutionist’s case is the claim that ethics is illusory in as much as it persuades us that it has an objective reference. This is the crux of the biological position.” Michael Ruse. Evolutionary Ethics: A Defense in Biology, Ethics, and the Origin of Life, edited by Holmes Ralsten III, (Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers), 1995. Michael Ruse, Evolutionary Ethics: A Defense in Biology, Ethics, and the Origin of Life

“There are good biological reasons why it is part of our nature to objectify morality. If we did not regard it as binding, we would ignore it. It is precisely because we think that morality is more than mere subjective desires that we are led to obey it.” Michael Ruse, Evolutionary Ethics: A Defense in Biology, Ethics, and the Origin of Life

Challenge Does Ruse’s position, and others similar to it, seem to debunk the first leg of MAG 21? If objective moral values exist, then God exists. Objective moral values do exist, therefore, God exists.

Response (The KEY) If we believe what the Bible says about the 8 traits common to all people, then we must conclude that at some inner level (“his heart of hearts”) Ruse does not believe his own claim!

The Strength of MAG 21 One of the strengths of MAG21 is its accessibility to people who are not professionally trained philosophers, scientists, historians, or theologians. Every thinking person has moral concerns.

Using Morality to Illustrate MAG A Moral Scenario To a non-Christian friend: If I broke into your store or home to rob you so that I could purchase drugs, and in the course of the robbery murdered two people. Is it wrong? Why? How do you know?

MORAL RELATIVISM or MORAL ABSOLUTES While there are many varieties of ethical systems, there are two fundamental options: MORAL RELATIVISM or MORAL ABSOLUTES

The Flaw of Moral Relativism Moral relativism can’t be lived out consistently. Relativists typically are selective, and they don’t remain relativists when their rights are violated. Why impose anything at all, if relativists are right?

Conclusion on Moral Relativism Moral relativists tend to use moral standards when it suits them. Relativists’ protest against anything is simply arbitrary. Conclusion on Moral Relativism The existence of moral absolutes cannot be justified in a godless universe.

MAG21 Conclusion MAG21, when applied to various moral scenarios, bears witness to Romans 2:14-15 and to Paul’s preaching in Athens. MAG21 is a tool that brings suppressed truths out into the open and prepares the field for planting seed.

Chapter 11 Review God All people are created by _____. All bear His ______. They all know He ______. They suppress or distort the _____. They know they are morally __________. They have a God-given __________. God’s law is written on their ______. They are rebellious _______. God image exists truth accountable conscience heart sinners

End Session 11 fmm Genesis Psalms Romans MAG 21