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NINJA FACTS!!!!!!!! The original ninjas started in the 14 th century in Japan. Ninjas do not follow traditional war ‘rules’. Traditional acts of ninjas include sabotage, espionage (spying), infiltration (breaking in), and assassination. Mimi’s idea! ^
FAMOUS NINJAS!!!! Sasuke Sarutobi: also known as Monkey Jump, was famous for his acrobatic abilities. It is said he lived with monkeys, and that he could dodge any sword strike. Hattori Hanzou: arguably could be the most famous ninja of all time, as his stories are still told in Japanese history books. He was a master with a spear, and he fought and won many battles.
Ninja weapons and tools! Ninjas carried many tools to break into places such as: – Grappling hooks – Ropes – Collapsible ladders – Spiked or hooked climbing gear that is also used as a weapon. – Kunai, or heavy pointed objects, for getting through walls. – Mizugumo, which is a set of wooden shoes which supposedly let them walk on water. Ninjas also had a wide variety of weapons: Short swords and daggers A katana, which is a long, curved, one sided sword, was the most popular weapon. Kusarigama, which is a knife-like thing on a stick, with a spiked ball on the end of a chain. They also used Shuriken, which are darts, spikes, knives, and most commonly, sharp, star shaped discs. Later on they added in explosives as they were invented, such as grenades, and bombs filled with smoke or poison gas. They also used blowguns, poison darts, blinding powder, and firearms later on.
Pictures of Ninja weapons and tools! Kusarigamakatana Shuriken Mizugumo Kunai
SAMURAI FACTS!!! They specialized in the art of Kendo, meaning the way of the sword. Unlike the ninjas, samurai had a strict code of war, with very much honor and respect, called Bushido. It meant honor or death, and if they failed a mission, or did something not honorable, they should commit seppuku, or suicide in honor. The Bushido code had 7 virtues: Loyalty Honor Honesty Respect Benevolence Courage Rectitude
Famous Samurai! Miyamoto Mushasi was perhaps the most famous samurai. He defeated many warriors that people thought were unbeatable. Before he turned 30, he had won over 60 duels. He then wrote a famous Japanese book: A Book of Five Rings. Ashikaga Takauji was another famous samurai. He brought down the Hojo Shikken, which was a major political leader in the time. He was a daimyo, which means that he owned a large plot of land, and he led the Ashikaga clan. He created an office in the capital, called the Buygo- sho, which was responsible for governing the city.
Samurai weapons! The katana was also the most used samurai weapon. Bushido code says that a samurai’s katana is his soul. They also used wakizashi, which is the shorter sword that samurai had with them at all times. It was also used for seppuku. They also occasionally used a few other weapons: – Yumi, or long bow – Yari, or spear – Cannons – bo or jo, which were staff weapons
Samurai Weapon Pictures! katanawakizashi bo yumiyari