C HAPTER 3 Assessing Your Entrepreneurial Potential
C LASSIFYING YOUR S KILLS Interpersonal Skills The willingness and ability to talk to others, especially those different from ourselves. The ability to listen to and understand what others are saying The ability to motivate and encourage others Skills for negotiating and resolving conflicts Caring for yourself and others.
C LASSIFYING YOUR S KILLS Critical and Creative-Thinking Skills The ability to solve problems by evaluating a variety of solutions. Having the confidence to make a decision and act on it. The ability to set goals, plan how to achieve them, and carry out the plan. Keeping records and being accountable for all actions undertaking The ability to generate ideas and identify opportunities.
C LASSIFYING YOUR S KILLS Practical Skills The ability to use special tools designed for a specific job.
AnswerAnswer Key
P ERSONAL E SSAY OR P RESENTATIONE SSAY P RESENTATION Focusing on verbal and written communication