GNET Introduction Passive learning tools : Lectures Presentations Visual Aids Demonstrations
GNET Introduction The concept of synergy says that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
GNET Introduction Brainstorming is an interactive method used to: generate ideas, and…
GNET Introduction identify possible solutions to problems.
GNET Introduction Brainstorming is participatory, active learning.
GNET Introduction Brainstorming is a specific set of procedures for a group of people to: develop ideas, and…
GNET Introduction solve problems.
GNET Introduction A brainstorming session demonstrates: group dynamics,
GNET Introduction thinking processes, and…
GNET Introduction creativity.
GNET Introduction Group sizes in the 4-6 people range work well.
GNET Introduction Key questions for brainstorming: A.What is the main problem to be solved?
GNET Introduction B.What do we want?
GNET Introduction C.Where do we want to go?
GNET Introduction D.What do we have?
GNET Introduction E.How do we get what we want with what we have?
GNET Introduction F.What will happen when we get it?
GNET Introduction Brainstorming encourages team members to utilize a variety of: leadership roles,
GNET Introduction communication skills, and
GNET Introduction team-building tools.
GNET Introduction Brainstorming can encourage: creative thinking, and problem solving.
GNET Introduction The level of success is proportional to the level of: participation, and interaction.
GNET Introduction Brainstorming can suppress creative, but quiet, people by loud and uncreative ones.
GNET Introduction At the end of the brainstorming activity, every decision must be: defended, and justified.
GNET Introduction Insights, ideas, and skills that are developed will work with success in any organization.
GNET Leader A leader must be in control of the brainstorming session. LEADER
GNET Leader However, decisions must be made by the group and not imposed by any single member.
GNET Leader The leader: defines the problem to be solved, and…
GNET Leader indicates any criteria that must be met.
GNET Leader As a leader, you must be confident in yourself and your abilities.
GNET Leader The leader needs to: introduce the session,
GNET Leader keep an eye on the time,
GNET Leader make sure the rules are obeyed,
GNET Leader make sure the participants feel comfortable,
GNET Leader restart the creative process if it slows down, and…
GNET Leader join in the process.
GNET Leader The leader: keeps the session on course,
GNET Leader encourages participation by all members, and…
GNET Leader keeps the brainstorming focused on the subject.
GNET Leader Dealing with negative behaviors is difficult. The leader should: never embarrass a person in front of the team.
GNET Leader Instead, talk with the person candidly in private.
GNET Recorder The recorder: collects all ideas,
GNET Recorder transcribes the ideas,
GNET Recorder organizes the ideas, and…
GNET Recorder distributes the ideas to the participants.
GNET Recorder The recorder positions all ideas so the group's members can see them.
GNET Problem Identification A brainstorming session must be targeted to a specific topic.
GNET Problem Identification Select a problem which describes what you are trying to achieve.
GNET Problem Identification The problem must not even suggest what a solution might be.
GNET Examples The problem is a website is not attracting enough hits. What should we focus on as content?
GNET Examples The problem is that CDs become outdated.
GNET Examples The problem is that the ATM does not perform enough functions.
GNET Examples The problem is that traffic lights are outdated.
GNET Introduction Arrange the chairs in a circle or about a table but with no “head of the table.”
GNET Introduction Relax and participate as friendly competition and with mutual assistance.
GNET Introduction Each team member reads a simple statement of their problem.
GNET Introduction Recorder collects the written, submitted problems.
GNET Introduction Briefly discuss each problem.
GNET Introduction By secret ballot, select the one problem to be pursued.
GNET Idea Reporting This session begins as an Idea- Reporting Phase.
GNET Idea Reporting Establish a time limit of 15 minutes.
GNET Idea Reporting The Leader will write the proposed problem.
GNET Idea Reporting Rotate among team participants with each one calling out one idea at a time.
GNET Idea Reporting Recorder writes down and numbers all ideas.
GNET Idea Reporting Absolutely no discussion takes place.
GNET Idea Reporting Only one member speaks at a time.
GNET Idea Reporting All ideas are accepted.
GNET Idea Reporting Duplicate ideas are checked off from each team member’s list.
GNET Idea Generation Establish a time limit of 10 minutes.
GNET Idea Generation Be creative.
GNET Idea Generation No comments on ideas is to occur during this phase.
GNET Idea Generation Keep the ideas flowing.
GNET Selecting the best Each member votes by secret ballot.
GNET Selecting the best Leader and Recorder count the ballots…
GNET Selecting the best ____________ Draw a line through ideas with no votes…
GNET Selecting the best ____________ If necessary draw a line through those ideas with only one vote.
GNET Selecting the best If necessary, vote again.
GNET Selecting the best Continue this process until approximately 25 % of the original items remain.
GNET Management Evaluation The Management Evaluation Phase follows.
GNET Management Evaluation Goal of management is to discuss the generated ideas and select the most workable ones.
GNET Management Evaluation Management discusses the resources needed to achieve the results.
GNET Management Evaluation Criteria may include: technical feasibility,
GNET Management Evaluation complexity,
GNET Management Evaluation cost,
GNET Management Evaluation marketability,
GNET Management Evaluation environmental impact,
GNET Management Evaluation safety, and…
GNET Management Evaluation creativity.
GNET Solution Finding Solution-Finding stage is devoted to selecting and recommending the one best idea.
GNET Solution Finding Original team receives input from Management Evaluation Team.
GNET Solution Finding Discuss each idea or solution.
GNET Solution Finding Discuss the action steps needed to successfully achieve the targeted solution or idea.
GNET Solution Finding What solution/idea makes the most sense?
GNET Solution Finding Eliminate any idea that is too simple.
GNET Solution Finding Eliminate any idea that is too complex.
GNET Solution Finding Select the one idea that is the most practical.
GNET Solution Finding Select the one idea that is the most feasible.
GNET Solution Finding A ballot may be necessary to determine the one best solution.
GNET The End