WHAT DO FRACTIONS LOOK LIKE? This slide will be up on the white board, I will ask students to come up to the board and write down what they would consider to be a fraction. This will get the students up and moving and interacting with the technology. If if is a smart board I will allow them to hold the pen to write on the board.
HOW WOULD SAY THESE FRACTIONS? I would have students take turns saying the fractions that have been written on the board aloud. Most students will only say “5 over 4” or “one half”.
WHAT IS ANOTHER WAY TO SAY THESE? I would aim to get students to realize that ¼ is the same as saying 1 divided by 4.
SIMPLIFYING FRACTIONS - DIVISIBILITY I will review how to simplify fractions with using the divisibility rule. This is extremely important because the answer choices in STAAR are always simplified. This is a necessary skill for the STAAR test and fractions in general. The fractions being simplified will be the examples students put on the board, if those are all already simplified I will add more examples.
SIMPLIFYING FACTIONS – GREATEST OR LEAST COMMON FACTOR I will review how to simplify fractions using the greatest or least common factor strategy. Students will work this out on the board with the fractions used as examples.
SIMPLIFYING FRACTIONS – COMMON FACTOR I will review how to simplify with finding the common factor. Students will work problems on board with the example fractions once again so they can see that multiple strategies get you the same outcome.
WHAT IS THE NUMERATOR? DENOMINATOR? Students will point these out to me.
HOW DO YOU MULTIPLY WHOLE NUMBERS? Students will come up and show me how they multiply whole numbers such as 2x2 or 4x8
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS I will then write down a problem on the board and show them some problems with solutions and ask them to look for a pattern. I will lead them towards seeing rule addressed on the following slide.
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS I will show them the numerator x numerator over denominator x denominator algorithm.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STRATEGY? Students will then work independently on the worksheet I hand out and selected students will show their favorite strategy by doing a problem on the board.
DIVIDING FRACTION STRATEGIES I will show students how to solve problems using modeling
DIVIDING FRACTION STRATEGIES What is a reciprocal? I will have students write down examples of reciprocals
DIVIDING FRACTIONS STRATEGIES I will teach them how to multiply by the reciprocal and stress only the second fraction is changed.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE STRATEGY? Students will work independently on a worksheet handed out while selected students work out the problems on the board with their favorite strategy
PRACTICE FOR FUN! Soccer Fun! Address is below: fractions-game.html
HOMEWORK – DUE TOMORROW I will have their homework posted here. No Excuses