Spin The Bottle! But, of course, no kissing allowed!
Okay…here’s how it works. You will be given a score card On the back draw two vertical (up/down) lines Now draw 8 horizontal ones In each square, put ONE letter of the alphabet – in order – so that you have a letter in each square. The last square can get a smiley face. The last square can get a smiley face.
It should look like this! abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz
Next step Pick your favorite letter and put your pencil there Now, number from 50 to 500 in INCREMENTS of 50!! Like this, 50, 100, 150, 250, etc. Each box gets a letter and now a point value
It should look like this! A 150 B 200 C 250 D 300 E 50 F 100 G 150 H 200 I 250 J 300 K 350 L 400 M 450 N 500 O 50 P 100 Q 150 R 200 S 250 T 300 U 350 V 400 W 450 X 500 Y 50 Z 100
Now…flip your sheet back over Everyone starts with 2000 points Then, with each question, you write your answer in the space provided If you get it right, you circle the + … get it wrong and circle the – Then we SPIN and whatever letter is landed on, you find that point value and either add or subtract from 2000
We will do a total of 10 questions. Do YOU have any questions?? Then let’s play “Spin the Bottle!”
Question 1 Find the predicate noun Since it was raining, the horse was a frightened beast, and he ran around the pasture. PN - beast
Question 2 Find the IO and DO As a surprise, my mom gave my brother a new car for his birthday. IO – brother DO - car
Question 3 Is this verb transitive or intransitive? You should know those terms, so don’t ask a neighbor! The runner sprinted quickly towards the finish line. Transitive – no DO
Question 4 Find the linking verb and tell if there is a PA or PN The perfume smelled remarkable, but it cost $500 per ounce. Smelled – remarkable (PA)
Question 5 Find the verb phrase The boys couldn’t be reached by phone because the cell tower was too weak. Could be reached
Question 6 What are the objects in this sentence? My father bought me a new car at the dealership, but I don’t like the color. Me - IO Car – DO Dealership – OP Color - DO
Question 7 Choose the right pronoun in each instance and tell its case and function In the morning, Jim and she/her will bring their donations to us/we. She/nominative/subject Us/objective/OP
Question 8 Choose the correct pronouns and tell me how they are functioning AND their case. Who/whom will be going with me/I to the mall today? Who/nominative/subject Me/objective/OP
Question 9 Is this sentence S/CP/CX? In the meantime, go and buy yourself some French fries. S
Question 10 Find the predicate adjective At school yesterday, Alex was the best student in Mrs. Marzullo’s class. There is not a PA