Animal Structures
How might animal structures change depending on their environment and energy needs?
On all areas of Earth… You may observe animals having adapted to having different internal and external structures that help them survive in their native ecosystem.
You may notice that animals have to eat other living things for food (energy ).
Animals cannot produce their own food. Animals need structures that allow them to eat other living things. One set of structures animals have that plants do not is called the…
Digestive System
Teeth and Jaws Teeth and Jaws allow animals to chew and break apart living tissue. Teeth change form depending on the types of food (energy) animals eat…
Teeth and jaws are animal structures that take shape depending on what food (energy) sources animals adapted to using.
Stomach and Intestines Stomachs and Intestines allow animals to break down ( digest ) and absorb nutrients from living things, such as sugars, fats, and proteins.
Stomach and Intestines Stomachs and Intestines can only break down objects that contain energy an animal can use. This bird did not survive since it ate plastic that could not be digested.
Animals that adapted to eating only plants are called herbivores. Animals that adapted to eating only animals are called carnivores.
Animals that adapted to eating plants and animals are called omnivores.
“It’s a giraffe…!” Recognize animal structures…don’t let this happen to you!