Card #1 Logan and Patty are going to the bait store in order to get worms. They are trying to decide how many worms to buy based on how many they used the previous days of fishing. On the first day at the lake neither of them bought worms. During the next 4 days Patty bought 4 more worms than the day before while Logan bought 2 more worms than the day before. Create a T-table that shows the amount of worms each child bought in their 5 days at the lake. What pattern do you notice when comparing Patty’s purchase to Logan’s purchase? Why does this pattern exist? Graph these pairs as coordinates. What do you notice about the shape of the graph?
Card #2 Tim decided this was the summer that he was going to learn to water ski. Ali decided she would keep track of Tim’s efforts and found some interesting patterns in her data. On his first day of skiing, Tim tried to get up 16 times but then halved the number of tries to get up each day on the next 3 days. On the first day of skiing, Tim’s longest ski lasted 2 minutes before he fell. In the next 3 days, the length of his ski run doubled each day. Create a T-table showing this data. What relationships do you see between the minutes of the longest ski run and the number of tries to get up? Graph these pairs as coordinates on a grid. What do you notice about the shape of your line?
Card #3 Trent and Sid have to go get gas for their jet ski. Sid put 9 gallons of into his jet ski, and 1 less gallon than the day before for the next 4 days. Trent put in 1 gallon of gas on the first day then on the following days put in 1 additional gallon than the day before. Create a T-chart that shows now much gas each boy purchased for 5 days. Compare Sid’s purchases to Trent’s purchases. What patterns do you notice and why do they exist? Graph these pairs as coordinates on a grid. What do you notice about the shape of your line?