Ultrasound abdomen atlas A&E medical meeting 28/07/2011 Dr. David Tran
FAST: Focused Assessment for Sonographic evaluation of Trauma patients four transducer positions (1) pericardial area (1) pericardial area (2) right upper quadrant (2) right upper quadrant (3) left upper quadrant (3) left upper quadrant (4) pelvis. (4) pelvis.
Upper abdominal transverse scan (medium part)
Just below the diaphragm, the vena cava is surrounded by liver tissue. Just below the diaphragm, the vena cava is surrounded by liver tissue. The aorta lies directly behind the gastroesophageal junction, often making the vessel more difficult to scan 20: Right liver 21: Left liver 10: veina cava 1 Aorta 70:Stomack 90: Thoracic vertebra
Upper abdominal transversal scan (Right side)
10: Veina Cava 14: Right Renal vein 20: Right liver 21: Left liver 30: Gallbladder 60: Right kidney 90: Spinal column 95: Psoas muscle
20: Liver 32: Gallbladder 10: Veina Cava 14: Right renal vein 76: Duodenum 92: Acoustic shadow
Tranvers flank scan, left side
Left upper abdomen Scan (longitudinal view) 50: Spleen 43: tail of pancreas 61: left kidney 15: Left renal vein and splenic vein (18)
Left longitudinal flank scan 50: Slpeen 61: Left kidney 69: Supra-renal gland 94: Acoustic artifacts
Lower abdominal longitudinal scan 80: Bladder 85: Uterus 89: Rectum
Hypogastric region, longitudinal scan (women) 80: Bladder 86: Uterus 89: rectum (94: Artefact)
Hypogastric region, transversal scan (women)