IRT Research Foundation Research in IRT 13 November 2013 Barbara Squires Head of Research and Advocacy
What is the IRT Research Foundation? Set up in 2009 and mainly funded by IRT as part of our commitment to benevolence. Has committed over $1m to support research to improve the mind, mobility and lifestyles of senior Australians.
What does the IRT Research Foundation do? Funds research through the annual competitive grants round and by direct funding Oversees ALL research with IRT customers and staff (regardless of funding source) Disseminates research findings Raises funds to help support research
What research has the RF funded? Molecular chaperones of the ageing process*, Dr Justin Yerbury, UOW * How do we stop “junk” piling up in our brains as we age?
RF funded research: Living alone with dementia, Brendan Moore and Kylie Sait, Alzheimer’s Australia NSW (involved IRT In-Home Care Sydney and IRT SW Sydney)
“Living alone with dementia ” - Policy paper to influence government - Research to practice guide for service providers
RF funded research: Promoting healthy lifestyles in IRT communities, Prof Sandra Jones, UOW (IRT Towradgi Park, IRT Tarrawanna Gardens and IRT William Beach Gardens) - presentation on IRT website, “About IRT”
Prof Sandra Jones, UOW, Research Symposium, 8 Nov 2013
RF Funded research: How your thoughts affect your enjoyment of exercise A/Prof David Neumann, Griffith Uni (Q’ld) Retirement village living: Who considers relocation, and what characteristics of retirement villages are seen as important? Dr Tim Windsor (et al), Flinders Uni, SA (research done by team at ANU, Canberra) Both presented at 2013 Research Symposium: presentations now on IRT website, “About IRT”
2012 Grants Round: 5 projects 1.The dancing mind Prof Dafna Merom, UWS. - which is better at maintaining brain function in older adults - walking or ballroom dancing? 2.Telehealth remote monitoring for people with multiple chronic conditions, Prof Gill Lewin, Silver Chain and Curtin University, WA
2012 Grants round (cont’d) 3. Implementing Design for Dementia Prof Richard Fleming, UOW (IRT Sarah Claydon, IRT Peakhurst and new builds) 4. Ageing with a disability and without a disability Prof Trevor Parmenter, Sydney Uni (IRT In-Home Care Southern Illawarra) - Progress report at 2013 Research Symposium, by Prof Rafat Hussein – presentation on website)
2012 Grants round (cont’d) 5. Assistive robotic technology in aged care Prof G Dissanayake, UTS - IRT Woonona - ‘Smart’ walking frame & hoist Trials of hoist in December – watch this space!
Direct funded by RF: Grouping of people with dementia and Montessori activities (Flametree Project) Prof Richard Fleming, UOW - IRT Woonona Social isolation in older people Prof Andew Beer et al, Uni.of Adelaide - IRT one of 9 industry partners - IRT In-Home Care Sydney & SW Sydney
...and then there’s ITRACS! Research component: Dementia design Grouping in dementia & Montessori at IRT Woonona Evaluation of ITRACS PhD project – Simulated Presence Therapy, IRT Greenwell Gardens
...but wait, there’s more! IRT Kangara Waters very involved with Uni of Canberra and CHART (part of bigger TRACS program) IRT is often approached by universities wanting to interview residents, service users and staff.... what then?
Approval process: ALL requests for access to IRT customers and/or staff need to be referred to Head of Research and Advocacy, as early in process as possible Discussion with researcher first, then with relevant senior staff (GLT level) and then managers who need to be involved Agreement with IRT to be signed if research is going to proceed
Knowledge sharing: Customers and staff to be given feedback about outcomes Results shared by researcher & IRT Research Foundation – newsletters, website, annual Research Symposium, other conferences etc Results become part of the wider knowledge base, and may be published by researchers in academic journals BEST OF ALL: RESULTS IMPROVE LIFE FOR OLDER PEOPLE!!!