Defendants Injury occurs in supervised setting Individual in control of situation Supervisory personnel Organizational entity If individuals and supervisors are negligent, that negligence can be imputed to the organization if employees and agents are acting within in the scope of their job duties.
Respondeat Superior “Let the master (employer) answer” Employer is vicariously liable for employee’s wrongful conduct. This does not let the employee off the hook, they can still be held responsible. Edgewater Motels. Inc. v. Gatzke (1979) 277 N.W.2d 11 Kreiger v. Carpentersville (1972) Ill.App.3d 243
Ultra Vires ultra vires (uhl-trah veye-rehz) adj. Latin for "beyond powers," in the law of corporations, referring to acts of a corporation and/or its officers outside the powers and/or authority allowed a corporation by law. Example: Directors of Highfliers, Inc. operate a small bank for its employees and friends, which corporate law does not permit without a bank charter, or sells shares of stock to the public before a permit is issued.