Nutrition for dogs, cats and exotics
Food is defined as any substance capable of nourishing a living being. The main nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water.
Food provides energy to support metabolism and maintain body temperature. Metabolizable energy (ME) is the amount of energy an animal must take in each day. We can calculate this value using a mathematical formula.
Carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars, such as glucose, and also contain complex sugars, such as starches. Cats are carnivores and are specifically adapted to live on a low carbohydrate diet.
Fiber is also considered to be a complex carbohydrate and is important in the rate other nutrients are absorbed.
Fats are a concentrated energy source. Fats are building blocks and help the body use other nutrients, such as fat soluble vitamins. Fats are broken down into fatty acids Dogs require linoleic and alpha linolenic acid. Cats require linolenic, alpha linolenic and arachadonic acid. Omega 3 and Omega 6 are also important fatty acids.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids that are used to make up different proteins. Essential amino acids can not be made by the body and must be taken in the diet.
In general, adult dog food should contain 22% protein and adult cat food should contain 32% protein. Why do cats need a higher percentage? Cats also require the amino acid taurine, without it, they can go blind.
Cats also need higher amounts of the amino acids methionine and arginine. They may have trouble reproducing, or have heart muscle issues if deficient.
Minerals are divided into macro and micro minerals. Macro minerals are needed in larger amounts in the diet. These aid in bone and muscle structure, nerve function and fluid balance. Micro minerals are needed in small quantities in the diet. These assist in transporting molecules or serving as catalysts.
Vitamins are divided into fat soluble and water soluble. The fat soluble are A, D, E and K The water soluble are B complex and C Cats and dogs do not need vitamin C like humans do because their bodies can make it. Cats need vitamin A because unlike dogs, they can not make it.
The amount of food a dog needs to eat depends on the climate, energy level, age and general health.
Cats can not be fed as if they are little dogs. They have specific nutritional needs and use their sense of smell and taste. The shape of the food is also important.
Pet food companies must have their foods tested by a method set up by AAFCO. This ensures it contains everything the animal needs to maintain health
Pet foods come in 3 forms Dry, wet (canned) and semi moist
Puppies and kittens are little growing machines. Growing takes energy, so their foods should be much higher in calories. They also need higher amounts of minerals to form strong bones, protein to build strong muscles and organs, fats to provide energy and vitamins to help the body use all of it.
Adult dogs and cats should be fed a maintenance diet. This means they don’t gain weight and don’t lose weight. Cats should be free fed (ad lib) since they will eat 12 – 20 small meals per day. Dogs should have scheduled feeding times as they are binge eaters.
When feeding seniors, the health of the animal is what we look at. There may be health concerns that we can address through nutrition. Cats won’t eat what they don’t smell, canned food may be better for a senior cat.
Overfeeding dogs and cats can lead to obesity. This can then cause other health problems.
Gerbils should have a high quality pellet that contains 22% protein, combined with seeds and grains.
Guinea pigs can also be fed pellets that contains 18 – 20% protein, 4% fat and 16% fiber. They also need fresh vegetables and fruit as they need vitamin C in their diets.
Hamsters should have a seed mix combined with vegetables, fruit, hay and insects.
Rabbits will eat commercial rabbit pellets that contain 15 – 19 protein, 16 – 29% fiber. Rabbits will ingest their fecal pellets.
Ferrets can eat cat or dog food, or commercial ferret food.